四年级英语上册3 5单元测试

发布 2024-03-07 14:40:10 阅读 3119


1.read and write.用英语单词完成算式。

1. fifteen x two

2. seventy÷seven

3. four plus six

4. sixty plus forty

5. ten x six


)1.__is parker.

a. his

)2you shoes.

a. put in b. take in on off

)3.__school is big.

a. they

) from___

a. are; canada china wuhan

) english and chinese.

a. like got

)6.__is may.

a. he

) got black hair.

a. is

) crow __from britain.

a. am

)9.__there a canteen in your school?

a. is

3.look and write.(根据提示拼写单词)

1. f t o n e(时常) l e h (帮忙) 3. a c i h n(中国) 4. o p t s (停止) a t

4.read and tick or cross.(读句子,判断句子中是否有错误,正确在括号里写√,错误写×)

) is from britain.

) h**e get red coat.

) is our art teacher。

) is my pencil case?

) my prize.

) has got a green skirt.

) am ten.

) is our school teachers.

) it, please.

) got it.

5.think and choose.(想一想。根据情景选择正确的答案)


a. is your home big?

b. is your school big?


a. i h**e got a pencil.

b. i h**e got a pencil case.


a. help me, please

b. help him, please


a. she likes reading books in the library.

b. she likes playing sports on the playground.


a. is there a computer room?

b. is there a gym?


1. 我有一个很棒的朋友。

2. 他早餐吃33个苹果。

3. 拿出你的钱。

4. 你很热。

5. 我们经常在图书馆阅读。

6. 我们在电脑室上。

七.read and write.(按要求完成句子。)

pupil can play football.(对划线部分提问)

pupils can play football?

2. it’s a duck.(变成复数句子)


一 根据汉语意思写出单词。熊猫 水 风筝 上衣 苹果 梨 二 找出不同于其它类的一项。1.a.cool b.cold c.old 2.a.doctor b.teacher c.weather 3.a.canb.we c.shall 4.a.rain b.rainy c.snowy 5.a.go sh...


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