
发布 2024-03-07 14:25:10 阅读 5155

一. 将下列单词按从小到大的顺序重新排列,抄写下来。

eighteen, twenty, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, thirteen, nineteen, fourteen

二. 选出每组单词中不属于同一类的单词。

) 1. a. apple b. soup c. pear d. orange

) 2. a. house b. plane c. train d. boat

) 3. a. draw b. cake c. ride d. jump

) 4. a. march b. june c. tomorrow d. october

) 5. a. purple b. pink c. white d. picture

) 6. a. zoo b. park c. lake d. dragon

) 7. a. cold b. hot c. fun d. warm

) 8. a. ten b. third c. second d. april

) 9. a. t-shirt b. clothes isi c. shoes d. pencil

) 10. a. bread b. rice c. vegetable d. dumpling

三. 写出划线单词的汉意和根据汉语提示写单词。

1. he can (游泳) in the (大海).

2. i’m writing ( a (信).

3. i’m very hungryi want to eat some (快餐).

4. the supermarket ( is near the red (房子).

5. chopsticks ( are very difficult (

going to do the high jump ( for sports day (运动日).

7. turn left ( it’s next to ( a station.

is my ( 朋友).


)december ( january ( april ( may

) february ( september ( july ( june

) november ( october ( march ( august

五. 选择填空。

) and two is . a. twenty b. twelve c. twenty-two

) 2. he is playing a toy train. a. with b. to c. on

) 3. i can’t see. please turn the light. b. for

)4. she is talking her friend. a. to b. on c. at

) look the picture.

) is going to the lions . a. visiting b. visits c. visit

) 7. there twelve months is a year. a. are b. is c. is

) 8. they are football. a. play b. go to play c. playing

) 9. can you a make? a. make b. ****** c. going to make

) many are there in july?

a. birthday b. birthdays c. months

六. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

watch drink do play make

1. look. they are football.

2. my father is tv and my mother is a cake.

3. they are soybean milk.

4. the people in the park are taijiquan.


) 1. what are you doing? a. we are going to go to hainan.

) 2. what are they doing? b. i’m going to run in the park.

) 3. where are you going? c. i’m reading a book.

) 4. how many birthdays are there? d. they are rowing a boat.

) 5. what are you going to do? e. there are four.

)6. h**e you got fast food in english? f. yes, we h**e.

) you want some soup? g. yes, i can.

) you jump far, sam? h. yes, please.

)9. where is the train 1? i. yes, i am.

)10. are you going to do the high jump? j. it’s up the hill.


1. i’ve got twenty-six points.

2. she’s talking to her friend.

3. we can see lots of interesting things.

4. the school is next to the station.

5. can i h**e some sweets?



)1. it can fly and talk. a. fish

( )2. it can swimb. rabbit

( )can jump high. c. parrot

( )4. it can run fastd. monkey

( )5. it can climb trees. e. tiger


1. he’s taking pictures.

2. she’s reading a book.

3. they’re talking

4. she’s listening to music.

5. she’s doing her homework.


mike: now i am ten. i’m a good student at school. i can help you to do many things.

dad: oh? good! your mum is not at home. i need your help. but what can you do?

mike: what can i do? i can play football.

i can play the flute. i can do my homework. i can…

dad: come on. what can you do at home? can you wash clothes?

mike: no, i can’t.

dad: can you cook dinner? can you clean your room?

mike: no, i can’t. i’m sorry. but i can learn.

dad: that’s good. i believe you can.

) 1. mike is a good student at school.

) 2. mike’s mun is not at home.

) 3. mike can play basketball.

) 4. mike can’t do his homework.

) 5. his father doesn’t believe him.



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