
发布 2024-03-07 14:45:10 阅读 8282




一、选择不同类的单词,并将其字母代号填入题前括号里。10分() 1. a.

musicb. studyc. science() 2.

a. windowb. kitchenc.

bedroom() 3. a. friendb.

fishc. cat() 4. a.

bathroomb. computerc. study() 5.

a. bedroomb. kitchenc.


) is this your bedroom? b

a. no, it no,it isn’ yes, it isn’t.

) 2. a: where are the __a. key b. keysc. book() 3. go to the living room

a. take a watch h**e a snack.()they near the phone

a. yes, they no, they yes, it is.

) 5. i h**e manya. friendsb. friend c. a friend() 6. where are your pens?__

a. it’s on the they’re on the it’s here.()7. are the boys in the classroom?__

a. yes, they aren’ no, they aren’ no, they are.()8.

let’s __the dob. makec. put() 9.

welcome __my toob. twoc. to

) 10. the keys are __the inb. underc. at三、完成句子。20分。

1. welcome to my家) is my房间) many___窗户)are there in your classroom? this your厨房) yes, it are in the门)6.

this is our new**)wow! it’s very books are on the __冰箱).8.

there are some candies on the __沙发).9. there are many books on the __书架).

10. i h**e a new___车库).四、把适当的活动与房间连在一起。

5分1. go to the living rooma. h**e a snack.

2. go to the studyb. take a shower3.

go to the kitchenc. read a book4. go to the bathroomd.

watch tv5. go to the bedroome. h**e a sleep五、读一读,将右边答句的序号填在括号里。


)1、is this your home?a: yes, i do.

()2、what’s her name?b: she’s in the kitchen.

()3、where is the study?c: i can see 34.

()4、do you h**e a new ruler?d: no, she isn’t.

()5、what colour is the desk?e: yes, it is.

()6、how many chairs can you see?f: her name is amy.

()7、are they on the table?g: yes, he is.

()8、where’s your mom?h: it’s yellow.

)9、is he in the bathroom?i: it’s near the bathroom.

()10、is she a student?j: yes, they are.


a. is this your bedroom?b. is that your bedroom?c. is this my bedroom.

)2.真漂亮!a. it’s it’s very nice!c. it’s big.

)3.接**。a. catch the answer the make the phone.()4.我的哥哥也在书房里。

a. my brother is in the study, my sister is in the study, too. c.

my father is in the study, too.()5.让我们抱眼镜吧。

a. letchange our let’s change our let’s change our glasses.七、按要求回答句子。15分。

1. is this your attic?(肯定回答2. is she in the study?(否定回答。

3. what’s your name?(根据实际情况回答4..

what’s in your living room?(根据实际情况回答5. they are in the bedroom.



this is my home. it’s very big. we h**e two bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms and akitchen.

in the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds, lamps and chairs. in the living room, you cansee a tv, a phone and a sofa. in the study, you can see a desk, a chair and a shelf.

some books are on theshelf. in the kitchen, you can see a fridge and a knife. it’s a nice home.

)1、we h**e two bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms and a kitchen.()2、some books are on the desk.

)3、in the bedrooms, you can see windows, doors, beds, fans and chairs.()4、in the kitchen, you can see a fridge and 2 knifes.()5、we h**e six rooms in my home.


一 将下列单词按从小到大的顺序重新排列,抄写下来。eighteen,twenty,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,thirteen,nineteen,fourteen 二 选出每组单词中不属于同一类的单词。1.a.apple b.soup c.pear d.orange 2.a....


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姓名 成绩 一 根据汉语提示,填入所缺的字母,完成单词。10分 家冰箱 m 卧室 厨房 书房 书架 钥匙 ts 运动 地板 二 找出每组中与其他三个不同类的单词,并把它的序号下在提前括号内。10分 1.a.study b.fan c.light d.computer 2.a.cat b.dog c....