
发布 2024-03-07 14:45:10 阅读 6096




一、 听录音,按你听到顺序给下列**标序号,用数字表示。(8分)


( )1. a. notebook b. light c. blackboard

( )2. a. maths book b. notebook c. chinese book

( )3. a. key b. toy c. candy

( )4. a. cute b. schoolbag c. storybook

( )5. a. light b. window c. door

( )6. a. notebook b. key c. candy


四、听问句,选出相应的答语,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。( 4分)

)1. a. this is the new classroom b. this is my classroom

)2. a. the door is orangeb. the desk is yellow.

)3. a. let me help youb. let me clean the fans.

)4. a. where is the green book? b .where is the pencil box?

五、听句子和对话,选出听到的内容。( 8分)

) put your eraser in your schoolbag. b. put your eraser on your desk.

) i h**e some h**e some candies.

) my brother has a maths book. b. my brother has a storybook.

) kite is yellowb. the key is yellow.



( )1、 a. big b. small c. fish

( )2、 a. notebook b. toys c. pencil

( )3、 a. key b. window c. door

( )4、 a. maths book b. notebook c. chinese book

( )5、 a. keyb. rice c. cake


)1. nine big2. fine ice

) kite4. pig rice

)5. fish six


) 1.--let me help you

a. thank you b. here you are. c. you’re right.

( )2.--i h**e a new schoolbag.

what colour is it ?

a. goodb. reallyc. no

( )3. let’s __and see .

a. gob. to goc. go to

)4、i h**e___english book and___chinese book.

a. a; ab. a; anc. an; a

( )5. -what’s in the classroom? -two doors and __chairs.

a. manyb. mayc. math

) h**e new schoolbag.

a. ab. anc. the

)7in your hand?

a. whereb. what’sc. how many

)8. -what’s in your pencil-case

a. two rulers and a pen. b. it`s a math book. c. a bag.

)9is the pen? -blue.

a. whatb. what colour c. how many


( )mike, we h**e a new classroom.

( )where’s my desk?

( )it’s near the door.

( )good morning, mike.

( )good morning, amy. this is my new friend, zhang peng.

( )really? let’s go and see.

十、找朋友, 将序号填在题前括号里。(10分)

) colour is itc. many books.

) in your baga. it’s yellow.

)3. i h**e a new schoolbag b. ok!

) clean the window. d. really?

)5. where is the picture? e. it’s near the door.


1. colour what it is ?

2. a new h**e i schoolbag

3. is , schoolbag, he**y , my

4. what, your , in, is , pencil box

5. blue , white , it, is , and .


look! this is my new schoolbag. it’s big.

it’s blue and white. i h**e an english book, a chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and a pencil-case in it. in my pencil-box, you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a notebook.

oh, where is my schoolbag? it’s on my chair.

) schoolbag is small.

) h**e three chinese books.

) pencil-case is in my schoolbag .

) are six pencils in the pencil-case.

) schoolbag is on the chair.


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