
发布 2024-03-07 14:45:10 阅读 7921




一、 听录音,按你听到顺序给下列**标序号,用数字表示。(8分)


( )1. a. strong b. short c. shoes

( )2. a. h**e b. hasc. is

( )3. a. friend b. friendly c. from

( )4. a. great b. green c. glasses

( )5. a. hereb. hair c. his

( )6. a. noseb. note c. not

三、听句子和对话,选出听到的内容。( 10分)

( 1. a. she has long hair. b. she has a long nose.

)2. a. i h**e a big mouthb. i h**e a small mouth.

)3. a. my chinese friend is strong. b. my chinese friend is thin.

)4. a. he has blue glassesb. he has brown glasses.

)5. a. his name is bobb. her name is bob.

四、听问句,选出相应的答语,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。( 10分)

)1. a. it’s brownb. it’s long.

)2. a. his name is tomb. her name is kate.

)3. a. they are near the doorb. they are my shoes.

)4. a. it’s blueb. it’s my bag.

)5. a. he is wu yifanb. yes, he is.



)1. a. brown b. orange c. short

)2. a. friend b. thinc. strong

)3. a. noseb. eyec. tall

)4. a. hisb. hand c. her

)5. a. smallb. thinc. candy


)1. not box2. nose rose

)3. lost note4. mom coke

) hope


( )1. -who is he

a. he is quiet b. he is strong c. he is my dad

( )2. -look! she is cute. -yes

a. he is b. she is c. she isn’t

( )3. i h**e a friend, mike. _shoes are blue.

a. he b. herc. his

( )4. hetall and strong.

a. am b. isc. are

( )5. she has __

a. thin b. here c. a small nose

( )6. 当你想告诉妈妈你朋友很友好时,应说。

a. mum, i h**e a friendly friend. b. mum, i h**e a thin friend.

c. mum, i h**e a quiet friend.

( )7. 班里来了一位新同学,你想知道她的名字,应问:__

a. what is his nameb. what is her name?

c. who is he?

( )8. 当你想介绍好朋友留短头发,应说。

a. he has short hairb. he has black hair.

c. he has long hair.

( )9. i __big eyes. my sister __small eyes.

a. has; h**eb. h**e; has c. has; has


( )a girl, she is very friendly.

( )what’s her name?

( )mum, i h**e a new friend.

( )her name is lily. look! she is cute.

( )really? a boy or girl?

( )yes, she is.


) your namea. it’s on my desk.

)2. who’s your friendb. no, i don’t.

)3. do you like green bag? c. it’s yellow.

) colour is your bagd. my name is tim.

)5. where is your storybook? e. mike.


1. short is he and thin (.

2. name is tom his

3. glasses her are blue

4. brown has shoes he

5. together work let us (.


my name is zhang peng. i’m 12. i’m a quiet boy.

i h**e a friend. his name is wu yifan. he’s 11.

he has blue glasses. he is tall and thin. he has short hair and big eyes.

he is very friendly. we are good friends.

) yifan is 11 years old.

)2. zhang peng is a friendly boy.

)3. wu yifan is tall and thin.

) yifan has green glasses.

) peng and wu yifan are good friends.


班级 姓名 学号 得分 写字分 5分 一 积累。30分 1 把下面的词语补充完整。6分 分 秒围 堵高 下。身 骨气壮时 时 2 照样子写词语。8分 奄奄一息。斩钉截铁。3 默写古诗句 名言等。10分,每句2分 1 三万里河东入海。2不破楼兰终不还。3 不要失去信心,只要。4 性耐寒,严霜既降。5 ...


四上第三单元语文检测。班级姓名成绩。一 书法展示。4 爱美大概也算是人的天性吧。宇宙间美的东西很多,花在其中占有重要的地位。二 看拼音写汉字。8 b c j s n y o hu n b li n zh zu f n f ji d o w i xi 三 比一比,组成词语 4 陪挨慌坦 赔埃谎但 四 ...


班级姓名成绩。一积累 18 1 在括号里填上合适的字 6 飘洒 意不肯聪 过人刚 雄 2 根据要求改写句子 4 秋风阵阵地吹,折扇形的黄叶落得满地。缩句。最忆家乡的桥。反问句。3 默写第一单元课文中的一个句子 5 4 仔细读下列句子,给比喻句打 3 故乡的小河像一条条血脉。猛地,她像想起了什么似的。...