
发布 2024-03-07 14:20:10 阅读 2141






( )1、a.where b.window c.water

( )2、a.light b.right c.nice

( )3、a.big b.bike c.boy

( )4、a.fan b.can c.man

( )5、a.good b.goose c.girl

三、听录音,判断对错, 用√或×表示。(10分)

1、classroom 2、board 3、teacher’s desk 4、floor 5、computer

6、wall 7、light 8、 picture 9、door 10、window


( )1、a.it’s near the door. b.you are welcome. c. thank you.

( )2、a.yes, it is. b.it’s nice. c.ok!

( )3、a.good idea! b.goodbye! c.good morning!

( )4、a.many desks and chairs. b.let me clean the desk. c.in the classroom.

( )5、 a. the wall is white. b. we h**e 6 new lights. c. this is our new classmate.




)1.我们有一间新教室。 a.let me clean the blackboard.

)2.让我来擦黑板。 b.we h**e 6 new lights.

)3.教室里有什么? c.good idea!

)4.我们有六盏新灯。 d.we h**e a new classroom.

)5.擦窗户e.it’s nice and clean.

)6.我的座位在哪儿? f.what’s in the classroom?

)7.好主意g.good job!

( )8.干得好h.where is my seat?

)9.它又漂亮又干净。 i.clean the windows!

)10.我们去看一看吧! j.let’s go and see.


chen jie: hello, zhang pengb___

zhang peng: hello, john. we h**e a new classroom.

chen jiee___

john: wow! it’s so big.

chen jie: i h**e a new desk.

zhang peng: _a___

john: look at the picture,chen jie: _d___john: where’s my seat?

zhang peng: _c___


(a)put up the picture. (b)turn on the light.

(c)sweep the floor. (d)clean the window.

(e)open the doorf)clean the board.


alice: hello, i’m a new student.

amy: hello, my name is amy. welcome to our school!

alice: thank you. i like my new school very much.

amy: me too. let’s go to our class, ok?

alice: ok. let’s go. who’s that man? is he our chinese(语文) teacher?

amy: no, he’s our english teacher, mr zhang.

alice: i see. who’s that girl?

amy: she’s helen. she’s a new student, too.

( )1、alice is a new student.

( )2、alice and amy like the school.

( )3、mr zhang is a chinese teacher.

( )4、helen is a boy.

( )5、helen is a new student, too.


第一单元自然景观。良好的开端是成功的一半!同学们,大自然美好而神奇,让我们一起走进这童话世界,相信你一定有很多收获!一 给树叶身上加点的字注音。8分。薄雾花卉规律应接不暇。二 为加点的字选择正确的读音。6分 涨潮 zh ng zh ng 模糊 m m 风号浪吼 h o h o 三 白兔拔萝卜。词语接...


一 读拼音,写词语。zhu zhe k n ch n zh hui li o yu n w n w n r n m o bi n f su y l k i p i b n b n w n y n x m n m i ji sh o q n ch qi y n二 填上合适的词语。的季节的大自然。的草坡...


一 看拼音写词语。ku n ku b o w l ng zh o f i t ng b n t ng y ji hu f c n l n zh g n gu l f ng x zh o y o sh sh o j ng j b i m ng m ng ru y n ru xi n ng sh u d...