
发布 2024-03-07 14:30:10 阅读 4765



上衣___苹果 __梨 __


1. a. cool b. cold c. old

2. a. doctor b. teacher c. weather

3. a. canb. we c. shall

4. a. rain b. rainy c. snowy

5. a. go shopping b. go swimming c. foot ball


1. cold2. warm3. rainy

4. this5. old6. student


1. can i h**e some __water?

a. sunny b. new c. cold

2. -i like pandas, what __you?

a. about b. to c. for

3. _we go swimming

a. are b. shall c. how

4. it’s___today

a. cloud b. cloudy c. what ’s

5. _the weather today?

a. how’s b. how c. what’s


1. zoo / we / shall / to / go / the /?

2. today / it / cool / is /

3. please / i / new / a / h**e / football / can /

4. kite / let’s / with / play / my /

5. pandas / i / elephants / monkeys / and / like /


1. how’s the weather today

2. let’s play with my kite

3. it’s so cold today

4. shall we go shopping


1. 你想知道今天的天气如何,应该问?

a. how’s the weather? b. what’s the weather?

) 2. 你想知道今天是否有雨,应该问?

a. is is rainy today? b. is it snowy today?

) 3. 你想让爸爸带你去动物园,应该问?

a. let’s go to the zoo. b. shall we go to the zoo?

) 4. 你想知道爸爸是否喜欢猴子,应该问?

a. what do you like? b. do you like monkeys?

) 5.你想买一件新衬衣,应该问?

a. can i h**e a new shirt, please? b. put on your new shirt ?


1. how the weather today? 改正。

a b c d

2. let is go shopping. 改正。

a b c d

3. i’m sunny today. 改正。

a b c

) 4. put in your shirt. 改正。

a b c d

5. i like bird改正。

a b c


1. it’s snowy today . 对话线部分提问)

2. i like elephants and monkeys .



3. it’s rainy today .




father : how’s the weather today?

long long : it’s we play with my kite?

father : no, let’s go shopping.

long long : ok.

long long: can i h**e a football, dad?

father: sure.

long long : can i h**e some cold water?

father: sorry, you can’t.

father: put on your shirt.

long long : ok . let’s go.

( )1. it’s hot today .

( )2. father and long long play with a kite.

( )3. long long can h**e a football.

( )4. long long can h**e some cold water.

( )5. long long wears (穿着) a shirt.


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