
发布 2024-03-07 08:25:13 阅读 3721








四、读单词,将单词按照相同的类别分类, 将其标号填写在相应的横线上,其中有一个单词不属于任何一类。1*20

a. a spaceman b. noisy c. folk songs d. keep e. a driver f. pet

g. listen h. a goldfish i.

art music j. a teacher k. fly l.

pop songs m. quiet n. land o.

a turtle p. happy q. a parrot r.

classical music

s. a rabbit t. cute u. a lawyer

1. **。

2. 动物。

3. 动词。

4. 职业。

5. 形容词。


1. noisyblack 6. playa boat

2. longsmall 7. keepa plane

3. thinquiet 8. listen tothe piano

4. whitefat 9. flymusic

5. bigshort 10. saila pet


a. listen to music b. play the violin c. sing songs d. keep a bird

e. land on the moon f. make a model ship g. fly a plane h. drive the car

i. sail a boat j. play basketball

七、读句子,选择正确的选项, 将其标号填在题前的括号里。1*10

) 1you like music?

a. areb. doc. does

) 2. my fatherto listen to country music.

a. likeb. likingc. likes

) 3. what do you do in music class? we

a. play football b. play the violin c. see a film

) 4. i likevery much.

a. dogb. dogsc. a dog

) 5. what do youto do in the future?

a. wantb. thinkc. do

) 6. this is our classroom. please keep

a. noisyb. quietc. talking

) 7. he wants to fly a spaceship. he wants to be a

a. driverb. spacemanc. teacher

) 8. can you playpiano? yes, i can.

a. abc. the

) 9. i’d like to fly to thein the future.

a. moonb. planec. spaceship

) 10. i want toafter school.

a. sail a boatb. fly to the moon c. make a model plane.


) 1ab: i’d like to fly a real plane.

ab: yes, i do. i listen to all kinds of music. but i like pop songs best.

a: what do you like to do after school?

b ) 4a: what do you want to be in the future?b

a: do you like horses?b

四年级语文上册第一单元测试试卷 A

香港 新徽国际教育集团2014 2015学年度第一学期 南沙校区 四年级第一单元测试卷。班级 姓名分数 一 读拼音,写汉字。8分 l ng zh o f ng x f i t ng zh nj ng ch n d ng zh ng ch o gu l hu f 二 是对是错。划去加点字错误的读音。4...


教学目标 1 进一步巩固本单元课文的各项知识。分析存在的问题,寻找错误的原因。2 学会抓住重点难点,有针对性地学习。3 纠正错题,养成良好的答题习惯,提高学生解决分析问题的能力。教学重难点 查找试卷中存在的问题,寻找自身错误的原因和不足,分析学生错误原因,提高学生解决问题的能力。教法学法 自主 小组...


教学目标 1 进一步巩固本单元课文的各项知识。分析存在的问题,寻找错误的原因。2 学会抓住重点难点,有针对性地学习。3 纠正错题,养成良好的答题习惯,提高学生解决分析问题的能力。教学重难点 查找试卷中存在的问题,寻找自身错误的原因和不足,分析学生错误原因,提高学生解决问题的能力。教法学法 自主 小组...