
发布 2024-03-07 14:30:10 阅读 2747



)1. 女孩 a. gardenb. girl c. great

)2. 蛋糕 a. canteen b. cat c. cake

)3. 许多 a. mumb. many c. man

)4. 班级 a. mouthb. bus c. class

)5. 面包 a. readyb. bread c. head

)6. 时间 a. someb. timec. lamp

)7. 鼻子 a. nineb. nose c. no

)8. 鞋子a. shortb. those c. shoes

)9. 衬衫a. skirt

)10. 床 bagc. red


) 1.这是我的教室。 a. this is my classroom. b. this is our playground.

) 2.那是面包房吗?a. is that the bread room? b. is that the tv room?

) 3.该去上学了。a. it’s time to get upb. it’s time to go to school.

) 4.我的衬衫在哪? a . where is my skirt? b. where is my t-shirt?

) 5. 它是谁的?a. whose is thisb. whose is it?


)1. what is it? a. it’s on the first floor. b. it’s washroom.

) 2. what is the time?

)3. what color is it? a. it’s 5:00b. it’s red.

)4. is it a tree? a. it’s blueb. yes, it is.

)5. what is it in the box? a. it’s my blue dress. b. my dress is green.


) library(图书馆) isthe second floor.

a. in b. to c. on.

) 2. that is __bed room.

a. you b. our c. i

) 3. is this the bread room? _

a. yes, it is. b. yes, i am c. yes, he is.

) 4. is this a __

a. teacher’s office b. teacher office c. teachers office

) time __lunch.

a. to b. on c. for

) 6. it’s time __watch tv.

a. for b toc. on

) 7. it’s 10 o’clock. it’s time to __

a. go bed b. go to bed c. bed.

) 8are your baby joys.

a. thatb. thisc. these

) 9. it’s 5:00. let’s __

a. go home b. go to home c. home

) 10. what time is it? it’s___

a. 8:30 b. red c. yellow

六。 根据汉语意思补全英语单词。(每小题2分,共10分。)

1. b__sy(忙碌) 2. cup__oa__d(柜橱) 3. w__ll(好的)

白色的) 5. _ss(三)

七。 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(每小题2分,共10分。)

is a篮球).

2. it’s time for散步)

3. i like green衬衫).

4. it’s my钢琴).

5. that is a**).

八。 根据所给的英语句子,在方框中选出相应的答语, 并将其字母番号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分。)

) 1. what time is it now?

) 2. is that the music room?

) 3. where is the washroom?

) 4. whose is the skirt?

) 5. how many students are there in your class?


一 根据汉语意思写出单词。熊猫 水 风筝 上衣 苹果 梨 二 找出不同于其它类的一项。1.a.cool b.cold c.old 2.a.doctor b.teacher c.weather 3.a.canb.we c.shall 4.a.rain b.rainy c.snowy 5.a.go sh...


一 将下列单词按从小到大的顺序重新排列,抄写下来。eighteen,twenty,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,thirteen,nineteen,fourteen 二 选出每组单词中不属于同一类的单词。1.a.apple b.soup c.pear d.orange 2.a....


1小学四年级科学下册第四元测试题 岩石和矿物 班级。姓名。一 填空题 1 岩石是由大大小小的颗粒组成的,我们给岩石分类时可以按颜色 透明 大小 形状等来分。2 页岩 砂岩 石灰岩 砾岩 大理岩 花岗岩等岩石是我们常见的岩石。3 稀盐酸有腐蚀性,千万不要弄到 上和眼睛里,滴过稀盐酸的岩石要用清水洗干净...