
发布 2024-03-07 13:35:07 阅读 9604





1. ee2. hh3. vv

4. mm5. ss


1. 写字板墙。

4.十 __什么。


)1. a. board b. light c. garden

)2. a. second b. first c. on

)3. a. my b. boy c. your

)4. a. music b. tv room c. washroom

)5. a. dinner b. math c. chinese


on the first floora. 你们的学校很漂亮。

school is beautifulb. 到吃午饭的时间了。

time for lunchc. 放学了。

is overd. 这是我的电脑。

is my computere. 它在一楼。

五、 选择。(10分)

)1. welcome __our school. a. on b. to c. for

)2. it’s __the second floor. a. in b. at c. on

)3. it’s time __go to school. a. on b. in c. to

)4. what __is it?—it’s two o’clock. c. time

)5. it’s time __lunch. a. to b. on c. for

)6. look __my clock. a. in b. at c. to

)7. let’s go and h**e __look. a. to b. in c. a

)8. this __my computer. a. are b. is c. am

)9. this is __play ground. a. we b. our c. us

)10. it’s on the __floor. a. one b. two c. first

六、 问答连线。(10分)

this a deska. it’s 8 o’clock.

is the canteenb. yes, it is.

are youc. i’m fine. thank you.

are you fromd. it’s on the second floor.

time is ite. i’m from china.



a. your school is cool. b. thank you. c. bye!


time for english class. h**e english class. c. yes, it is.


a. i’m ready. b. just a minute. c. bye.


a. what time is it? b. how are you? c. where is the bag?


a. time to go to school. b. school is over. go to school.


1. it’s 9:20. amy has an class.

2. it’s 8:15. amy has a class.

3. it’s 11:05. amy has a class.

4. it’s 1:35. amy has a class.

5. it’s 10:10. amy has a class.


hello. i’m amy. i get up at 6:00. then i go to school.

my classroom is on the second floor. and my teacher’s office is on the third floor. oh.

it’s nine o’clock. it’s time for chinese class.

see you!

)1. the girl’s name is sarah.

)2. amy’s classroom is on the second floor.

)3. her teacher’s office is on the second floor, too.

)4. she gets up at 6:30.

)5. she has chinese class at 9:00.



time for school.(写同义句。

is a new pen.(变成一般疑问句并否定回答。

time is it? (写同义句。


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