人教PEP版四年级英语下学期第一单元检测题 英语

发布 2024-03-07 10:00:13 阅读 7130




cool()3. it()picture()school()is()

4. map()5. first()cat()second()


chen: hello, i'm chen jie. welcome to our school.

this is our.that is our.we h**e a.the is on the firstfloor. we h**e a.we h**e lunch at school.


a:what’s in your ?

b:a,a,a and a.

五、你所听到的英语句子与中文意思相符的写y,不符的写n。( 10分)



)1. a. yes, it is.

b. yes, i am. c.

yes, she is.()2. a.

in the he’s in the art on the second floor.

)3. a. yesb.

okc. right.()4.

a. oh, how nice! b.

water the this way, please.

)5. a. oh-ohb. thank you. c. good.


)1.1__hta. it b.

igc. il()2. t__cher a.

ea b. eoc. ae()3.

w__1a. of b. ulc.

al()4. m__ica. us b.

ut c. uz()5. ftb_11 a.

oo, e b. oo, i


1. this(对应词)2. my(对应词)3. let us(缩略式)4. it’s(完整形式)5. cctv(中文意思)





) study b. door c. bedroom d.

bathroom()2. a. milk b.

bread c. eggd. spoon()3.

a. brother b. doctor c.

farmerd. nurse()4. a.

chair b. window c. chopsticks d.

door()5. a. gym b.

library c. lunchd. playground


)1.有人问你do you h**e lunch at school?请你按实际回答:a.

yes, i dob. no, i don’t.()2.有人对你说merry christmas.说明这一天是:

a.1月i日b. 12月25日。


a. ok, go to the playgroundb. ok, go to the canteen.()4.你想带visitor去看你们学校的电脑室,该说:

a. where is the computer roomb. this way, please.()5.当你英语考了一百分,别人夸你真棒时,你该说:

a. no, i’m notb. thank you.


)1. is that the teacher’s office, too?()2.

how many students are there in your class?()3. where is the garden?

()4. who’s that man?

)5. what would you like for dinner?a.

she’s sarah’s p. e. i’d like some fish, rice and he’s sarah’s music forty-three.

e. it’s on the first floorf. no, that is the library.





4. read a story-book.

5. he has short black hair and big eyes.

6. i h**e a chinese friend.

windows are green.



2. garden 3. playground 4. teacher's office 5. library二、听音,用√划出你听到的那一项。

2. school 3. it 4. cat 5. first三、看图,听音,把你听到的房间的序号填在横线上。

hello. i’m chen jie. welcome to our school.

this is our computer is our art room. we h**e a music room. the gym is on the first floor.

weh**e a canteen. we h**e lunch at school.四、写出你听到的单词。

what’s in your hand? a ruler, a pen, a pencil and a book.五、你所听到的英语句子与中文意思相符的写y,不符的写n。

1. pass me a knife2. i’d like some rice and soup.

3. she likes art and music. 4.

welcome to our school.5. hand in the homework.


this your bedroom2. where is the art room?2.

let’s clean our classroom. 4. this is our school.

5. h**e some tea.答案听力部分。

一、3 2 5 1 4

二、1. teacher 2. school 3. it 4. cat 5. first三、4 5 2 1 3

四、hand ruler pen pencil book五、1. n 2. y 3.

n 4. n 5. y六、1.

a 2. c 3. b 4.

a 5. b笔试部分。

一、 二、1. that 2. your 3. let's 4. it is 5.**电视台。

三、1. computer computer 2. picture picture 3.

board board 4. fan fan 5. floor floor四、 4.

c 5. c五、1.a/b 3. a 5.

b六、 3. e 4. c 5.

b七、1. is this a teacher's desk? 2.

yes, it is. 3. that's your student4.




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