
发布 2024-03-07 10:00:13 阅读 7176



1、冰箱 a. fridge b. friend c. floor

2、** a. please b. phone c. elephant

3、在旁边a. onb. under c. near

4、桌子 a. table b. make c. twelve

5、鸡肉 a. key b. kitchen c. chicken


) phone b. desk c. chair

) room b. kitchen c. bedroom

) key b. he c. she

) inb. on

) fridge b. table c. sofa


)1、-is this your bedroom ?

a. yes,they are. b. yes,it isn’t. is.

)2. are the keys in the door ? yes

a they aren't b it isn't c they are ( 3. —where is your sister ? she in the study.

a is b am c are

is she in the kitchen? b: no, she

a. is b. isn’t c. aren’t

5. is tom in the study? b: yesis.

a. he b. she c. his

6. he __two small eyes.

a. is b. has c. h**e

7. what’s __name?

a. he b. shec. her

( )are the keys? _

a. they are in the door. b. it's in the door. c. we are in the living room.

( )chen jie in the bedroom? _

a. yes, it isn't. b. no, he's in the kitchen c. yes, she is.

( )they in the door

a. no, they aren't. b. no, it isn't. c. yes, it is.

四、 根据所给的中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。

)1. 你想告诉朋友:去客厅看电视,你应该这样表达:

a. go to the living room take a shower. b. go to the study watch tv

c. go to the living room watch tv.


a. the living is niceb. the bedroom is nice. c. the study is nice.

)3. 你不知道你朋友陈洁在**,你可以问:

a. where is she? b. where is he? c. where is your friend?


a. thank you. b. all right. c. you’re right.


a. where is my pen? b. where is your pen? c. is it in your hand?


a. go to the door. b. open the door, please. c. close the door, please.


a. who is it? b. who is she? c. who is he?

)8. 请整理床铺,应该这样表达:

a. sit on the sofab. make the bed. c. watch tv.


a. welcome to my school. b welcome to my bedroom

c. welcome to my home.

)10. 如果你想知道她叫什么名字,应该怎么问。

a. what’s your name? b what’s his name? c. what’s her name?

五。 连词成句。(10分)

1. in the she is living room ?

the where keys?

table are they the ?

4. are the on table they 。

5. is where your book?


) this your schoola. it’s in the kitchen.

) is your catb. yes, it is. .

) are your booksc. no, he isn’t.

) he in the kitchend. yes, they are.

) they near the phonee. they are under the table.

七。 重新排列下列句子的顺序,使其成为一个意思完整、通顺的对话。

)look !she is in the kitchen .

) where is she?

( )no, she isn’t.

( )is she in the study?

) i h**e a cat . she ‘s cute.


hello, i’m lily. welcome to my home. there is a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study and a kitchen in my home.

look, my father and mother are watching tv on the sofa in the living room. here is my study, you can see many books and a computer in it. my brother and i do homework(做作业) here.

we are all happy!

)1. there are four people in my family.

)2. there are two bedrooms in my home.

)3. you can see many books and a tv in my study.

)4. lily does homework in the living room.

)5. we are happy.

新版pep四年级英语上册单词练习 汉译英

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