
发布 2024-03-01 02:50:12 阅读 4267

lesson13 how is school going?

杨义风 2015.3.11)

wang mei:hi, is your school life going?

jenny:well,i am a little busy this term. i h**e six classes every day.

my school days are very long.

wang mei:me also h**e six classes every day. i start school at 8:

00 i usually finish at 5:00 it’s a long day,but i like my school. my school subjects are so interesting.

jenny: what subjects do you h**e?

wang mei:i h**e chinese,english,math history and some is my f**ourite. we always h**e a big sports meet twice a year.

i often take part in the long jump. last term i won first place!

jenny:wow! you’re good at the long jump.

wang mei:yeah! thank you !what subjects do you h**e?

jenny:i h**e social studies,shop,math,freach,english and art. my f**orite subject is shop!

last week, i made a bird house all by myself.

wang mei:that’s so interesting!

★★ life n. 生活。


短语:all one’s life 某人一生,一辈子。

come to life 苏醒过来, 复活。

例句: 如果你阅读很多,你的生活将充满乐趣。

答案:if you read a lot. your life will be full of pleasure.

★★ term n. 学期。

短语:last term 上学期 this term这学期 next term 下学期。

答案:how he wants to get a high mark in the final term examination!

★★ start v. 开始,出发。


用法:begin/start to do sth begin/start doing sth

二者区别:谚语:early start makes easy stages.



例句。答案:shanghai disneyland started building on april 8,2011.

★ finish v. 完成,结果。

用法:finish doing sth.

拓展:后面只能加doing的动词及词组有allow, mind, enjoy, **oid, finish, escape, practise, suggest, consider, forbid, advise, risk, miss, delay, admit, appreciate, understand, deny, endure, excuse, imagine, give up, be used to (习惯于), devote to, look forward to, insist on, put off, feel like, cant help (禁不住), be busy (in), be worth, keep on……


答案:h**e you finished your math homework?

twice adv. 俩次,两倍。

短语:once or twice 一两次,偶尔。

谚语:think twice before you do.



答案:it is a good habit to brush your teeth at least twice a day.

★ win v. 赢得,获胜。

过去式:won 过去分词:won

短语: win first place


答案:the man wants to win the race.

★ social adj.社会的。

n. society


答案:the social environment also plays an important role in attracting teenagers to smoking.

shop n. 手工艺课。


答案:my f**ourite subject is shop.

★myself pron. 我自己。

拓展:yourself 你自己 herself 她自己 himself 他自己 itself 它自己。


答案:i fell off the bike and hurt myself.


is ..going?

is your school life going ?


am a little busy this term.

用法:a little 意为“一点儿,有点儿”,相当于 a bit

eg. she is beautiful but she’s a little quiet.


辨析:a little/a bit


is a little/a bit cold.

2)a little与a bit 在修饰名词作定语时,用法有所不同。a little 后面可以直接跟不可数名词,而a bit 需先加of 再跟不可数名词。

eg. there is a little/a bit of water in the glass.

我也是。eg.--she is a good student.

---me,too.=i’m a good student,too.=i’m also a good student.

subjects do you h**e?

f**ourite is...

lesson 13 巩固练习。



i usuallymy homework at 8:00 pm.


peter tells me that he often __his homework __himself.


did you h**e fun __basketball yesterday?


did youany sports?


would you like toping-pong?

答案:finish doing playing take part in learn to play

. 从下面方框中选择适当短语,并用其正确形式填空。每个短语限用一次。

hi,li hua,i’m samantha, but everyone___me sam. i’m so glad you’re___to stay with us! i’ve lived in my house___london all my life with my parents___two brothers,jerome and michael.

jeromeart and michael like chinese. they __like ****** friends.

music and fashion are two of my biggesth**e you heard of the vaccines? it’s my f**ourite london band. i’ll take___to enjoy thier performance.

and of course sports---i’m capatain(队长) of my school football___but better than that---i’m an “olympic games maker” to help out with the olympic games.

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