新概念英语第二册第一课完美教案 2

发布 2024-02-29 22:15:11 阅读 5172

teaching aims and demands:

the usage of the tenses including the simle past tense ,the past continuous tense ,the ****** present tense.

of the six elements of ****** statement and the word order.

the following words and phrases: private,conversation, theatre, seat, play, loudly, angry,

angrily, attention, bear , business, rudely,h**e a conversation, go to the theatre, take a

seat, pay attention, it is none of your business,

i can not bear it.

irregular past tense verbs.

teaching content : lesson one ; exercises

teaching key points and difficult points:

structure: the ****** statement.

the ****** past tense, the past continuous tense, the ****** present tense.

i can not bear it ! it is none of your business!

teaching periods:6 perids.

teaching procedures:

period 1-2:

.introduction to the text by playing an audio with some questions.

questions:①where did the writer go last week?

why did not the writer enjoy the play?

what did the young man say to the writer?

.words and expressions

1. private: [praivit] adj. 私下的,私有的 ( secret; not for everyone's use)

i wish to h**e a private conversation with you.

联想: public 公共的;privacy隐私;清净。

经典用法: in private 私下里

private school 私立学校。

2. theatre: n. 剧场,戏院;戏剧 ;a building where plays are performed; play

london has more theatres than any other british city.

经典用法: go to the theatre 去看戏。

theatre-goer n.看戏的movie theatre 电影院。

the theatre of shakespeare 莎士比亚戏剧。

3. seat: [si:t] n. 座位; vt. 使坐下 a place to sit ;to let somebody sit down.

ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.

经典用法: h**e a seat / take a seat 就坐。

be seated / seat oneself /坐下。

4. play: [plei] c. n.戏剧;u. n. 游戏。

联想: play 无规则的游戏;玩。

game 有规则的游戏;运动,比赛。

经典用法: put on a play(上演一场戏)

children at play(玩耍的孩子)

5. loudly: [laudli] adv. 大声地,高声地

don't talk so loudly.

联想: (同) aloud 出声地; read aloud(朗读)


6. angry: adj.发怒的,生气的;狂暴的(风雨)

please don't get angry with me.

联想: get cross/ mad(发怒); unhappy(不快)

经典用法: angry person/ look(愤怒的人/表情)

be/get angry with somebody.(生某人的气)

7. pay: [pei](to give money for something you h**e bought)n. 薪水vt. 付款;给予。

i paid her $200 for the painting.

经典用法: pay attention to (注意); pay sb a visit (拜访某人)

8. attention: n. 注意,关心;注意力。

now they h**e stopped paying attention to the film star.

经典用法: pay no attention to (毫不在乎…)

the center/focus of attention (关注的焦点)

9. end: [end] (the last part of sth;to finish or stop)n. 末了,终点;v.结束

then he sat down on the seat at the end of the garden.

经典用法: at the end of something(在。的末尾);

in the end(最后)

联想: finally;at last(最终);eventually[终于(经过努力之后)

10. bear: suffer from; put up with vt.忍受;负担;带来

i don't feel very well. i can't bear this weather.

联想:(同)stand(忍受); tolerate(宽容); sustain(支撑)

11. none: pron.没有人(事);adv.(决不)

none of them speaks english very well.

联想: no one , not any one (后不可加of)

注意:none 后可接of)

12. business: [biznis] n.

事务,职责,生意 (the activity of buying and selling; sth that concerns you)

经典用法: it's none of your business.(不关你的事。)

mind your own business.(管好你自己的事。)

run a small business(做小生意)

13. rudely: [ru:dli] (in a way that is very impolite) adv.粗鲁地。

the boy spoke rudely to his teacher.

联想:(同)impolitely(失礼地);rashly (冒失地)

period 3-4

key structure

1. the concept of the ****** statement:




例句:我喜欢你。i like you.

宝宝睡了。the baby slept.

麦兜是我的好朋友。macdull is my good friend.

爸爸送给我一辆自行车。father g**e me a bike.

他让我笑了。he made me laughing.




例句:my father made a car model for me carefully at home this morning.

2. play game (practice the six elements of a sentence and the word order )

1 --主语,一般由名词、代词或名词短语构成,通常位于动词之前,动词必须与主语一致,即主语决定动词的单复数形式。

2 --谓语,由动词充当。

3 --宾语,一般为名词、代词或名词短语。

4 --副词或介词短语,对方式或状态提问,往往做状语i like her very much

5 --地点状语,一般在方式副词之后,时间副词之前。

6 --时间状语,可以放在句首或句末。

简单陈述句一定不能少的是主语, 谓语。


lesson1 aprivateconversation第一课私人谈话。whatdidtheyoungmansaytothewriter?那年青人对作者说了什么?lastweekiwenttothetheatre.上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,ididnotenjoyit.但我却无法欣赏...


lesson 1 a private conversation new words and expressions private praivit adj.私人的。conversation knvsein n.谈话。theatre it n.剧场,戏院。seat si t n.座位。play ple...


lesson 1 a private conversation new words and expressions private praivit adj.私人的。conversation knvsein n.谈话。theatre it n.剧场,戏院。seat si t n.座位。play ple...