
发布 2024-02-27 00:35:06 阅读 4560

lesson 1 a private conversation

1. private: [praivit] adj. 私下的,私有的 ( secret; not for everyone's use)

i wish to h**e a private conversation with you.

联想: public 公共的;privacy隐私;清净。

经典用法: in private 私下里

private school 私立学校。

2. theatre: n. 剧场,戏院;戏剧 ;a building where plays are performed; play

london has more theatres than any other british city.

经典用法: go to the theatre 去看戏。

theatre-goer n.看戏的movie theatre 电影院。

the theatre of shakespeare 莎士比亚戏剧。

3. seat: [si:t] n. 座位; vt. 使坐下 a place to sit ;to let somebody sit down.

ladies and gentlemen, please be seated.

经典用法: h**e a seat / take a seat 就坐。

be seated / seat oneself /坐下。

4. play: [plei] c. n.戏剧;u. n. 游戏。

联想: play 无规则的游戏;玩。

game 有规则的游戏;运动,比赛。

经典用法: put on a play(上演一场戏)

children at play(玩耍的孩子)

5. loudly: [laudli] adv. 大声地,高声地

don't talk so loudly.

联想: (同) aloud 出声地; read aloud(朗读)


6. angry: adj.发怒的,生气的;狂暴的(风雨)

please don't get angry with me.

联想: get cross/ mad(发怒); unhappy(不快)

经典用法: angry person/ look(愤怒的人/表情)

be/get angry with somebody.(生某人的气)

7. pay: [pei](to give money for something you h**e bought)n. 薪水vt. 付款;给予。

i paid her $200 for the painting.

经典用法: pay attention to (注意); pay sb a visit (拜访某人)

8. attention: n. 注意,关心;注意力。

now they h**e stopped paying attention to the film star.

经典用法: pay no attention to (毫不在乎…)

the center/focus of attention (关注的焦点)

9. end: [end] (the last part of sth;to finish or stop)n. 末了,终点;v.结束

then he sat down on the seat at the end of the garden.

经典用法: at the end of something(在。的末尾);

in the end(最后)

联想: finally;at last(最终);eventually[终于(经过努力之后)

10. bear: suffer from; put up with vt.忍受;负担;带来

i don't feel very well. i can't bear this weather.

联想:(同)stand(忍受); tolerate(宽容); sustain(支撑)

11. none: pron.没有人(事);adv.(决不)

none of them speaks english very well.

联想: no one , not any one (后不可加of)

注意:none 后可接of)

12. business: [biznis] n.

事务,职责,生意 (the activity of buying and selling; sth that concerns you)

经典用法: it's none of your business.(不关你的事。)

mind your own business.(管好你自己的事。)

run a small business(做小生意)

13. rudely: [ru:dli] (in a way that is very impolite) adv.粗鲁地。

the boy spoke rudely to his teacher.

联想:(同)impolitely(失礼地);rashly (冒失地)

一般过去时(****** past tense)

1.一般过去时主要用来表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,常和表示过去的时间状语(如yesterday, last week, three years ago, in 1987等)连用。例如:

she bought a santana last week.

he lived in london when he was young.


they got up early in the morning, fetched water, swept the yard and then went out to work.


she told me that she would not le**e until i came back.

he said he would not go with us if it rained.


she often came to help me at that time.

mary always got up too late, and never had enough time for breakfast.

注] 表示过去经常或反**生的动作,也可以用“used to+动词原形”或would+动词原形“。例如:

he used to do it.

sometimes the boys would play a joke on the master.


知识点讲解 一 单词扩展。私人的,个人的,私有的。例句 it smyprivateletter,youcan treadit.这是我的信,你不能看。短语 inprivate秘密地,私下地privatelife私生活privateeducation私人办学 私人教育。说道私人教育,就得提到私立学校,在...


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