
发布 2023-11-11 15:05:04 阅读 5170

a private conversation

last week i went to the theatre. i had a very good seat. the play was very interesting.

i did not enjoy it. a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. they were talking loudly.

i got very angry. i could not hear the actors. i turned round.

i looked at the man and the woman angrily. they did not pay any attention. in the end, i could not bear it.

i turned round again. "i can't hear a word!" i said angrily.

"it's none of your business," the young man said rudely. "this is a private conversation!"





new words and expressions】生词和短语。

private adj.私人的

it's my private letter/house ;private school:私立学校。


public school ; public letter 公开信 ;public place :公共场所。

privacy:隐私 it's a privacy. adj.

private ryan》 private soldier:大兵。

private citizen 普通公民 private life:私生活。

conversation n.谈话。

subject of conversation:话题。


conversation. 比较正式一些。

let's h**e a talk

they are h**ing a conversation.

conversation 用的时候比talk正式,意思上往往不非常正式。

talk: 可正式可不正式。


china and korea are h**ing a dialogue. 正式。

chat: 闲聊。


h**e a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词。

theatre n.剧场,戏剧。

cinema: 电影院。

seat n.座位

h**e a good seat(place)

take a seat : 座下来,就座。

take your seat/take a seat

is the seat taken? 这个座位有人吗?no/yes

sit sit down ,please

seat take your seat,please

be seated,please 更为礼貌。



seat后面会加人; seat sb; seat him; seat:让某人就座。

sit he is sitting there.

you seat him;

语法精粹〗all those present(到场者)_d_ he began his lecture.(重点题)

seaedsit,sit down; seat,be seated;take a seat

play n.戏。

loudly adv. 大声的。

angry adj. 生气的。

cross=angry ; i was was cross.

annoyed: 恼火的;

i was annoyed.

i was angry/cross.

i was very angry.

be blue in the face; i am blue in the face.

angrily adv. 生气的。


attention n. 注意。

attention ,please. 请注意。

pay attention :注意。

pay attention to : 对什么注意。

you must pay attention to that gril.

pay a little attention :稍加注意。

pay much attention :多加注意。

pay more attention :更多注意。

pay no attention :不用注意。

bear(bore,borne) v. 容忍。


i can't bear/stand you

endure :忍受,容忍。

put up with :忍受。

i got could not put up with him



put up with=bear=stand

bear n.熊 white bear

bear hog :热情(热烈)的拥抱。

give sb a bear hug

business n. 事。

business man :生意人。

do business: 做生意。

go to some place on business:因公出差。

i went to tianjin on business.

thing 可以指事情,也可以指东西。

it's my business 私人事情。

it's none of your business

rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地。

rude adj.

课文讲解】last week

go to the theatre

see a film,go to the cinema

go to the +地点表示去某地干嘛。

go to the doctor's 去看病。

go to the dairy 去牛奶店。

go to the + 人 + s 表示去这个人开的店。

go to the butcher's 买肉。

go to school: 去上学。

go to church: 去做礼拜。

go to hospital(医院):去看病。

go to the great wall

go home; 跟home相连一定表示没有事情可做,回家休息。

i am at home

enjoy, enjoy oneself:玩的开心。

enjoy+sth :喜欢,从当中得到一种享受。

i like something very much./i love something.

i enjoy the class.

i enjoy the music.

i enjoy the book.

enjoy the dinner/film/progeam/game

were sitting :当时正座在。

过去进行时态 :过去的某个时间正在发生的动作。



the girl was reading a book in the garden. a boy came to her.

got :变得,表示一种变化,got angry

i am/was angry 是一个事实。

i got angry:强调变化过程。

it is hot.

it got hot.


说话的时候喜欢用缩略。i'm not,he isn't,they aren't

写的时候会说:i am not,he is not,they are not

i didn't do sth,i did not do sth



i could not hear your pardon?

i couldn't hear you./i couldn't hear a word./i couldn't catch your word.

i couldn't hear you clearly./i couldn't catch your words.

beg your pardon? /i couldn't catch your words.

turn round:转头。

pay any attention

表示注意,pay attention; 对什么加以注意,pay attention to sth

not any=no

i could not bear it./you./the noise.

i can't hear a word.

美音:肯定 .i can,否定,i can't,只能根据上下文来定。

hear a word, a word 等于一句话。

he didn't say a word.

may i speak to jim?/may i h**e a word with jim?

it's none of your business./none of your business/it's my business.

i couldn't bear you.

this is private conversation!

private :私人的,不想与别人共享。

i can't hear a word.

hear a word of sb (actors)

key structures : 关键句型。

summary writing : 摘要写作。

answer this questions in not more than 55 words.


key stuctures】 关键句型。

word order in ****** statements: 简单陈述句的语序。



when? who? action who? how? where? when?

which? which?

what? what

last week

1 --主语一般有名词或代词构成。

2 --谓语由动词充当。

3 --宾语。

4 --副词或介词短语,对方式或状态提问,往往做状语 i like her very much

5 --地点状语。

6 --时间状语可以放在句首或句末 i like the girl very much in beijing last year.


6. immediately left he.

he left immediately.

13. the little boy; an apple; this morning; ate greedily; in the kitchen.

the little boy ate an apple greedily in the kitchen this morning.

4 game; played; yesterday; in their room; the children; quietly

the children played games quietly in their room yesterday.


状语: 放在最前面是副词,方式状语,表示状态/程度的状语,下面是地点,然后是时间。



如果问何时何地,是一个固定搭配 when and where

multiple choice questions】多项选择题。

comprehension 理解。

strucures 句型。

vocabulary 词汇。


they did not pay any attention"

pay attention: 注意(在思想上)

notice: 注意(=see 眼睛看)

sitting behind

behind: 在。后面。

in front of :在。前面 (相对静止的概念)

before : 在。前面 (+词、句子、一定和时间相连)

above: 在。上面。

ahead of: 在。前面 (+时间、位置)(动态的行为)

he arrived before six o'clock.

before he came back

ahead of time

he goes ahead of me.

5) .c...

how ——对一个方式、状态提问。




where ——用介词,地点。

when ——用介词,时间。

why ——用because回答。

7) .d...



none——没有任何东西、没有任何人 none knows./none of us knows.

not any=no


he didn't pay attention


i don't h**e any friends./i h**e no friends.

i h**e no time./i don't h**e any time.


last week i went to the theatre.i had a very good seat.the play was very interesting.i did not enjoy it.a young man and a young woman were sitting beh...


lesson1 a private conversation一个私人的谈话。一,单词。1 seat n.座位。sit v.坐。sit behind坐后面。take a seat坐下。take one s seat坐 的座位,取代。h e a seat请坐。seat oneself就座。sb be s...


一 课题 lesson 1 a private conversation 私人谈话。二 计划的授课时间 50分钟。三 教学流程。1.组织课堂 hello,a nice day 2.导入 today we will talk about one topic private conversation.写...