
发布 2023-11-13 08:10:06 阅读 6081

nceii lesson 1

单词详解:1、privateadj. [1]私人的,私有的a private seatprivate property私人财产is that a hotel?

no, it’s a private house.2、conversation [c]/[u]~(with sb. about sth.

)常用动词短语h**e a~conversation with sb.与…谈话/聊天yesterday, he had an important conversation with me.

make~conversation找~话题let’s make a happy conversationbetween them ended with unhappiness.3、theatre = theatertheatre/cinema前通常加the

the national theatre was built in 2005.

常用短语:go to the theater/theatre去看戏= go to theplay/a play

be at the theater/theatre在看戏last week, lucy and i went to the theatre.

其他类似短语:go to the films/a film/movies/a movie/the cinema去看电影。4、seat座位(经常指固定的)(如汽车、戏院、电影院等)与chair不同。

there are usually five seats in a are 50 chairs in the classroom.

5、loudlyadv.大声地,响亮地while mr. wang was h**ing class, lucy’s phone rang loudly.

6、angryadj.生气的get/be angry生气lucy got very angry.

be/get angry at/with/about…(对/为…生气/生…的气)don’tangry about small things.5、attention [u]注意(力)、留心。

常用动词短语:call one’s attention to sth.引起某人对某事的注意。

pay/give~attention (to …)注意(…)to为prep.后接v加 pay/give your attention to the thing that you are doing.

honesty’s attention can’t always fix on the attention.请注意;立正6、bear[1]n.[c]熊he runs like a bear.

2]vt.忍受….i can’t bear her bad temper/habit.

生(育)…(baby)(常用于被动语态)the dog can bear 10 babies once. hewas bornin harbin in 1998.7、business[u][1] (理应关心的)事、职责。

it’s your business to look after the dog your own business!police’s business is to catch the thieves.

2] (要处理的)事i h**e much urgent business this afternoon.常用动词短语do… business (with sb.)和…做…生意we won’t do clothes business with her.

be in … business做…生意he is in stationery business.词组;on business因公事(出差)

he is on business.他在出差he will go to beijing on business.

noneof one’s (adj.) business =no business of sb’s (名词性物主代词)不关…的事it’s none of your business =it is no business of yours.

8、(1). none of +人称代词复数(可数名词复数)…(当中)没有一个;如果做主语谓语动词用单三。none of them likes watching the play.

2). none of +抽象名词“休得…”,别…”用来告诉某人别干某事或停止干某事。none of your rudeness!

休得粗野!none of your impudence!休得无礼!

9. look at ; watch; see的区别与用法:

look为不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,常单独使用,以引起对方注意。例如:look! that's an english car.看!那是一辆英国的小汽车。

lookat是由动词look与介词at组成的词组,相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重"看"的动作。例如:look at the blackboard, please.

see为及物动词,意思是"看见",侧重"看"的结果。例如:can i see your new pen?

watch是及物动词,意思是"**、注视",用来指注视移动着的物体,如看电视、看球赛、看戏等。they are watching tv.10. listenandhear


listen! who is singing in the next room?listen! the birds are singing in the trees.

2).listen用作不及物动词,要表示听什么,后面需要加上介词to才能接人或物作宾语,即listen to,意为“听……”强调的是听的动作。

we must listen to the teacher carefully in class.


can you hear some animals?i heard lucy just now.11.

interested and interesting(1).语义上,interesting属外向性质的词,用于指人、事、物的外在影响方面,意为“使(外)人感兴趣的”;interested属内向性质的词,用于指人的内心感受方面,意为“(内心)对……感兴趣的”。试比较:

that interesting old man comes to our school every day.

this book is interesting to interested in this book.(2).用法上,interesting既可以作表语,this book isinteresting.

也可以作定语。 this is aninterestingbook.作表语时,其主语既可以是人。

lucyis interesting.也可以是事或物this bookis interesting;作定语时,既可以修饰人lucy is aninteresting girl,也可以修饰事或物。 this is aninteresting play.

interested多在句中作表语常用句型a be interested in b/doing 对b/做某事感兴趣。lucy is interested in studying was interested in computer.


privateadj adj.私人的,个人的。这里private表示个人的,与别人无关的,如 个人观点idea 高级点的 opinion private opinion个人观点。private school私立学校表示学校是私有财产。一旦某件事情是私人的,个人的它多少就含有一些不想让别人知道的意味于...


last week i went to the theatre.i had a very good seat.the play was very interesting.i did not enjoy it.a young man and a young woman were sitting beh...


a private conversation last week i went to the theatre.i had a very good seat.the play was very interesting.i did not enjoy it.a young man and a young...