
发布 2024-02-17 08:45:19 阅读 7778

module1 unit1 how long is the great wall ?

教学目标 :

1, 知识目标:学习用一般现在时进行描述,2,技能目标: 能够运用课文词表**现的单词;能够运用how long is the great wall?

it’s ten thousand li long. how old is the great wall? it’s more than two thousand years old.

tell me more about….描述建筑物以及unit 1的课文。

2, 情感目标: 抱着认真学习的态度,积极模仿录音,大声朗读英语。

教学重点:学习并运用课文中的有用句式how long is the great wall? it’s ten thousand li long.

how old is the great wall? it’s more than two thousand years old.来描述建筑物。



教学设计。step1: warmer

t: good morning, everyone .now look at the map of the world .

do you know this place? (yes. it's london/beijing/madrid/new york.

) now i'm going to point to each city and say its name. i want you to say the number of people, please.

t: london.

ss: eight million.

t: beijing.

ss: fourteen million.

t: well done. now work in pairs and do the activity again.

step 2: listen, point and find 'is/'s,are'.

t: open your book and look at activity 1,please. what can you see? ss: …

t: now i'm going to play the tape. (**多**课文录音)please write down all the numbers you hear.

s1…( the teacher write the following words on the board.)

is are

t: say the words together. find these words in the story, please.

step 3 : listen and say.

t: i'm going to play the tape again.(再次**多**课文录音) this time i'm going to stop the after a finishes talking.

you are b. you can read b's sentences.

t: now work in pairs. one student is a and the other is b. read the sentences.

( the students read the dialogues in the book. then they swap roles.)

step 4 : exercises

listen to the story again. then answer the questions.

first, let the students read the every listen to the story then answer the every sentence.(在白板上出示有关课文内容的问题,小组间进行讨论)

answers: 2. no, it isn't. it's very long.

3. it's six thousand seven hundred kilometers.

4. it's got eight million people.

5. it's got ( about) fourteen million people.

板书设计:module1 unit1 how long is the great wall ?

1、how long is the great wall?

it’s ten thousand li long.

2、how old is the great wall?

it’s more than two thousand years old.



六年级 上册 期末复习要点 短语 句型 语法 第一模块。短语。看。2.a picture of一幅 的 wall长城 表示世界上独一无二的事物,前面要加定冠词the 4.tell me more about告诉我更多关于 的事。5.intheeast of china在中国的东部 方位词前要加定冠词...


六年级 上册 期末复习要点 短语 句型 语法 第一模块。短语。看。2.a picture of一幅 的 wall长城 表示世界上独一无二的事物,前面要加定冠词the 4.tell me more about告诉我更多关于 的事。5.intheeast of china在中国的东部。方位词前要加定冠词...


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