
发布 2024-02-17 08:40:19 阅读 2330


what time is it ?几点了?it’shalf past seven .七点半了。

what time is it?几点了?

it’s one o’clock in the afternoon .下午一点了。

what time is it ?几点了?

it’s 9 o’clock in the evening .晚上九点了。

time for breakfast .该吃早餐了。what’s for breakfast .

早餐吃什么?what would you like for breakfast .你早餐想吃什么?

i’d like some eggs ,bread .我想要鸡蛋和面包。

what are you doing ?你在做什么?what are they doing ?

他们在做什么?what does he doing?他在做什么?


lucy and lily are watching tv .丽丽和luci在看电视。jenny is sitting in a chair and danny is sitting beside her .


mr. li and mrs li are playing cards,李先生和李太太在玩卡片。they are reading news***** .他们在读报纸。

did you h**e a good trip ?你的旅行怎么样。【do的过去式是did】there is a living room ,a kitchen ,a bathroom on the first floor .


there are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor .二楼有四个卧室和一个书房。




look at me .看我look at us看我们。look at him .看他。

your books are on the floor .put them in your bag .你的书在地上,请放到你的书包里。

i bought a gift for him .我为他买了一件礼物。

here is the bathroom ,这是洗手间,there is the toilet .那是厕所。i am cooking meat and vegetables.


i wash the dirty dishes , they are clean and dry .我洗盘子,它们现在干净又干燥。



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