
发布 2020-08-23 18:39:28 阅读 4485

module7unit 1 pandas love bamboo

教学设计。教学目标 :




教学重点:they love ..they like ..

they sleep in the water. they play with children.

what are they? they are ..



教学准备:tape, cards, bag



step1: warmer

a song “old macdonald has a zoo.”


t: cats, dogs, pandas lions, we call them animals. do you like animals?

what's your f**ourite animal? (课件展示动物园里各种动物,让学生变用英语说出自己最喜欢的动物)

ss: .t: my f**ourite animal is panda. tell me more about pandas? what do pandas

like to eat? yes, they like bamboo. sometimes they eat fish, fruits,

vegetables. but we know pandas like to eat bamboo. pandas love bamboo.

today we are going to learn module 7 unit 2 pandas love


step 2: presentation (介绍新语言项目)

1. t: do you know another animals? 引出动物卡片复习相关单词。

t: look! what's this?

ss: it's a ..

2. 运用多种方法操练、巩固单词,同时进行小组评价。

3. 出示卡片进行单复、数比较,并进行操练。

t: what are they?

ss: they are ..s. (板书句型)

操练复数句型:cats ~ cats ~ they are cats. pandas ~ pandas ~ they are pandas.

4. compare比较: love and like

t: do you like dogs/cats?

s: yes, i do. i like dogs/cats.

t: i like dogs. i like cats. .i like pandas ,too. my f**ourite animal

is panda. so i can say i love pandas.

板书单词: love/ like 并说明两者表示喜爱的程度不同love= like...very much

5. 请生看评价图表,试着说说动物的习性(用love和like),教师适时进行指导。

t: 这里动物表示一个种类,我们用复数形式表示。

ss: pandas love bamboo. ms like peaches. cats like fish. elephants

like bananas..

step 3. practice

1. 游戏:竞猜。(课件出示谜语,大家来猜一猜)

t: guess: they are black and white. they love bamboo. what are they?

ss: they are pandas.

t: they are big. they h**e long noses. they h**e big ears. what are they?

ss: .t: they can climb trees. they can jump. what are they?

ss: .t: they like fish. what are they?

ss: .2. 听录音巩固。




3. 看书朗读,用多种方法操练,并及时进行评价。

4. 四人小组自主进行问答练习,并评出获胜组。

5. 选一个你喜欢的动物,写一个小对话并展示。看评价表小结。

6. 学习chant

step 4: extensive

1. 师生问答示范。

2. 擂台赛:小组合作,学生四人一组进行讨论,然后出谜语让其他小组猜。猜出别组加分,猜不出本组加分。

3. bingo 游戏:


(dog, cat, pig, bird, fish, lion, snake, duck, panda)

step5. home work (小结与作业)

今天我们学习了有关动物及其它们的习性。动物是人类的好朋友,动物与人类应该和谐相处,我们应该热爱动物、自觉保护小动物。love animals.

love nature and love our earth.下课后同学们还可以收集一些动物的信息,编成谜语,让其他同学来猜。


module7 unit1 pandas love bamboo.

they love...what are they?

they like...they are...

教学反思:在热身和复习环节中,我运用自制的重叠动物卡片,复习了动物的单词及它们的单复数,并呈现了“what are they?--they are elephants.

they are big.” 句型,通过小组问答,师生对话,俩俩对话等方式,帮助学生回忆并巩固已学知识。实践证明,这样的复习有效地促进了学生理解学习本课的效率,并提高了每位学生的自信心,特别是为接下来的学习起到了很好的推动作用。

外研版英语六年级上册第七模块第一单元教案 1 精

module7 unit 1 pandas love bamboo.教学设计 teaching design 教学目标 teaching aims 1.知识目标 knowledge aims 引导学生运用一般现在时的句子介绍动物习性。2.技能目标 ability aims 学生通过小组合作,组内讨论...

外研版英语六年级上册第七模块第一单元教案 1

module7 unit 1 pandas love bamboo.教学设计 teaching design 教学目标 teaching aims 1.知识目标 knowledge aims 引导学生运用一般现在时的句子介绍动物习性。2.技能目标 ability aims 学生通过小组合作,组内讨论...


六年级 上册 期末复习要点 短语 句型 语法 第一模块。短语。看。2.a picture of一幅 的 wall长城 表示世界上独一无二的事物,前面要加定冠词the 4.tell me more about告诉我更多关于 的事。5.intheeast of china在中国的东部 方位词前要加定冠词...