
发布 2020-07-17 08:00:28 阅读 8973

it will snow in harbin.


1.知识目标:学会运用单词snow, rain, sunny, hot, cold, warm, windy等表示天气的单词。

句型it’s going to snow in harbin.等描述天气的语句;运用句型i’m going to watch tv.表述自己的计划。

2.能力目标:学生能够口头运用it’s going to snow in harbin.

i’m going to watch tv.类语句描述某地的天气和谈论自己的打算计划。3.



1.能正确口头运用it’s going to snow in going to be sunny and warm in dalian.预报某地的天气。

2.识别运用单词snow, rain。



stepⅰwarming up

listen and point.

t: hello, boys and sunny today, and i’m very happy to see you again. please enjoy yourself.

let’s play a game.“listen and point”first, please help me put the cards on the wall. now, listen carefully.

it’s going to snow.\it’s going to be sunny and hot.…


1. listen and compare.

t: now, please listen carefully. and find the difference.

which word is used after ‘it’s going to…’and which is used after‘it’s going to be…’.

1. point and say.

t: listen again ,then put the weather cards on the will ask some students to telll us what’s the weather going to be like tomorrow.


stepⅲ practice

1. where am i?

t: let’s do paire work. look at part going to snow tomorrow. where am i?

s: you are in harbin.

t: that’s right.


1. learn the chant.

1)listen and answer.

t: look at part 4 at the pictures and listen to the tape carefully. then answer my quesrions.

1)what is the girl going to do today?

2)what is the girl going to do this afternoon?


2)listen and say.

t:there are two group is the girl, the other group is the mother


stepⅳ development

1.listen and draw.

t: the weather next week. it’s going to be windy on monday.

and it’s going to snow on tuesday. on wednesday it’ going to be cold. it’s going to rain on thursday.

on friday it’s going to be sunny. it’s going to be warm and cloudy on saturday and sunday.


2.look and say.

t: look at the weather,say what you’re going to do.


a:it’s going to be sunny on friday. what are you going to do?

b:i’m going to go to the are you going to do?

a:i’m going to go to the park, are you going to wear?

b:i’m going to wear my new about you?

a:i’m going to wear my blue are you going to go?

b:at nine o’clock.

a:ok. let’s go together.

3、a plan report.

ask some students to do a report about there plans.

it’s going to on . is going to (do) .is going to (wear) .and is going to go at (time) .


stepⅴ short summary.


stepⅵ homework

your parents the chant and do it together.

a plan about your weekend with you friend.


学校 菜籽湾小学年级六年级姓名。密封线内不准答题。2012 2013学年度第一二模块检测题。六年级英语 外延版 一 单词。明信片一千一百。公里百万墨西哥。加拿大参观拜访美国。长度长城东。西南北。国家更多饭馆。图书馆操场大象。猴子西瓜医生。警察星星。司机唐人街小提琴 电脑有时广场。二 短语。big2....


六年级 上册 期末复习要点 短语 句型 语法 第一模块。短语。看。2.a picture of一幅 的 wall长城 表示世界上独一无二的事物,前面要加定冠词the 4.tell me more about告诉我更多关于 的事。5.intheeast of china在中国的东部 方位词前要加定冠词...


六年级 上册 期末复习要点 短语 句型 语法 第一模块。短语。看。2.a picture of一幅 的 wall长城 表示世界上独一无二的事物,前面要加定冠词the 4.tell me more about告诉我更多关于 的事。5.intheeast of china在中国的东部。方位词前要加定冠词...