六年级下 英语语法练习

发布 2024-02-16 16:50:06 阅读 3278

1. there __an english contest next week.

a. is b. will be c. will h**e d. is going to h**e

2. my cousin was born __january 14th, 1992.

a. in b. on c. at d. of

3. the yangze river is one of __in china.

a. the longest river b. the longest rivers

c. longest river d. long river

4. frank __computer games in his free time.

a. like to play b. likes to play c. like play d. likes playing

5. _interesting story it is!

a. what b. how an c. what an d. how

6. –must we come to school earlier tomorrow? –no, you __

a. don’t b. won’t c. needn’t d. can’t

7. please __it in english slowly and clearly.

a. speak b. talk c. say d. tell

8. our english teacher is always __to us. (friend)

9. it is about ten __walk from my home to the bus station. (minute)

10. my new housing estate is nice and modern. there is a playing ground and a __pool.


11. the shop beside our house __to be very small, but now it is bigger and taller. (use)

a. form time to time b. take care ofc. needn’t

d. starte. h**e the same opinion with

12. sometimes i chat with my net-pal on the internet.

13. i agree with you.

14. on tree planting day, many people go out to plant trees and look after trees.

15. the moped riders don’t h**e to wear helmets.

16. they will set out to h**e a meeting at half past eight.

17. i need a large sitting room in the new flat. (否定)

ia large sitting room in the new flat.

18. let’s do some warm-up exercises. (反意)

let’s do some warm-up exercises

19. john is taller than dick and simon. (同意)

john isof the three.

20. russia has an area of 17 million square kilometres. (提问).

is russia?

21. the huts are very small and dirty. (提问)

___are the huts __

22. listen! someone __sing) in the next room.

23. i had to __walk) very fast because i was already late.

24. last saturday my brother __make) two model ships for me.

1. their classroom is much bigger than __we)

2. we are going to __the new year’s day. (celebration)

3. tom and peter are __of the speech contest. (win)

4. you can try on the t-shirt in the __room. (change)

5. he lives on the __floor. (nine)

6. i accepted __from linda. (invite)

a. take a attraction c. admission ticket

d. do a project on e. farewell party f. safe and sound

7. we visited a lot of __in france.

8. how much does the __cost?

9. the whites want to __to xiamen next year.

10. danny arrived in pairs __

11. i am __traditional chinese festivals.

12. john will return to america next month. so we are going to h**e a __for him.

13. -is your home from the shop?—it’s about twenty minutes’ walk.

a. how long b. how often c. how far d. how big



2. say是最普通的用语。着重指说话的内容。say后面一定要加说话的内容,不能单独使用。say后面可加名词,代词或that宾语从句。








蜻蜓(qīnqīng) 扇着(shān shàn)

乘凉(niángliáng) 捉住(zhuōzuō)


漂亮喜欢。3、用“” 画出描写蜻蜓外形的句子。

















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