
发布 2024-02-16 16:55:06 阅读 7379

fill in the blank with “h**e, has” or “there is , there are”

1. i __a good father and a good mother.

2a telescope on the desk.

3. hea tape-recorder.

4a basketball in the playground.

5. shesome dresses.

6. theya nice garden.

7. what do you

8a reading-room in the building?

9. what does mike

10any books in the bookcase?

11. my fathera story-book.

12a story-book on the table.

13any flowers in the vase?

14. how many studentsin the classroom?

15. my parentssome nice pictures.

16some maps on the wall.

17a map of the world on the wall.

18. d**ida telescope.

19. d**id’s friendssome tents.

20many children on the hill.


1. 写出下列各词的复数

ihimthisher __

watch __child __photo __diary __

day __foot __book __dress __

tooth __sheep __box___strawberry __

thief __yo-yo __peach __sandwich __

man __woman __***** __juice

water __milkricetea

2. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数

drinkgostay __make __

lookh**epass __carry __

come __watch __plant __fly __

study __brushdoteach

3. 写出下列动词的现在分词


dance __sitrun __plant __

take __swimask __stop __

take __writeh**e __smoke __

4. 写出下列动词的过去式

is\amfly __plant __are __

drinkplay __go __make __

doesdance __worry __ask __

tasteeatdraw __put __

throw __kickpass __do___

5. 写出下列词的完全形式

can’ti’d __aren’t __they’re __

let’swasn’t __that’s __don’t___

when’s __didn’t __you’re __doesn’t __

he’s __she’s __i’m __isn’t

i’ve __shouldn’t __i’llwho’s __

6. 写出下列各词的反义词

yesblack __here __new __

different __small __go __early __

rightdown __ask __behind_ _

fat __noisy___illlong

hotbig __bad __busy

he**yfast __low __left

tallyoung __lastopen

7. 写出下列各词的近义词

learn __find __near __just now __

look __desk __picture __big


nicecup __speak

mum __dad __purse___exciting __

8. 写出下列各词的同音词

to __by __for __there

see __right __who’si

aren’t __herefatherson

pear __nobehi


1. i __to school from monday to friday. my brother often __to school with me.

yesterday we __to school together. we like __to school very much. (go )

usually __lunch at home. but last week, they __lunch at school. (h**e )

english book. it __new. but now it __not here. it __there a moment ago.( be )

sister likes __very much. she often __at our school festival. last term, she __a lot of songs in the school hall.

she __beautifully. (sing )

___he usually __on sunday?he usually __his homework. look!

hehis homework now.__he __his homework last sunday?yes, hedo )

6. do people usually___moon cakes at mid-autumn festival? yes, they do.

did you __moon cakes last mid-autumn festival? yes, i did. i __a lot of delicious moon cakes.

(eat )

7. -how __you?--i __fine. thank you.

---where __youyesterday?

---i __at home with my family

your father at home, too?

---yes, hebe )

is a dancer. she __every day.

5、草蛉是蚜虫的天敌,七星瓢虫吃蚜虫,蜻蜓吃蚊子。look! shenow. (dance )

9. national day isa lot of people __to beijing two weeks

ago. (come )

often __shopping with her mother. she likes __shopping in the shop. she __shopping yesterday.

(go )

brother __a new wallet. i __a wallet, too. our wallets are from our parents.

we __them at a party yesterday. (h**e )

cd? it __not on the desk now. it __there just now.

it __my f**orite present from my good friends. they __my classmates. (be )


1. they___宾格) 2. country复数) 3. close现在分词)

4. two___序数词) 5. japan形容词) 6. i名词性物主代词)

7. ***** __复数) 8. swim现在分词)


) 1). classes begin __seven fifty -five .

a. in b. on c. at d. for

) 2). they often help

a. i b. mine c. my d. me

) 3). i want __a map of china .

a. buy b. is buying c. to buy d. am buying

) 4). is it a picture __your school ?

a. of b. to c. and d. with

) 5). do you like

a. swim b. swimming c. are swimming d. swim, too

) 6). the man __a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .

a. and b. of c. with d. for

) 7). who’s the lady __blue ?

a. in b. on c. at d. with

) 8). we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon .

a. at…in b. at…on c. in…at d. on…on

) 9). a: it’s a white shirt , is it yours ? b: no, _is yellow .

a. i b. my c. mine d. me

) 10any men in the room ?

a. is there b. are there c. there aren’t d. there isn’t

) 11). the bed __the right is yours .

a. on b. in c. at d. of

) 12). look at __picture .

a. one b. the one c. first d. the first

) 13). these books are my

a. students b. student’s c. students’ d. students of

) 14). my parents often tell me __china .

a. about b. from c. for d. by

) 15any food in the fridge ?

a. are there b. is there c. h**e d. has

六、 用括号内的词的适当形式填空 5’

___you just now? (be)

b:i __in the teachers’ office.

tao __in the classroom. but just now hein the teachers’ office.(be)

tao often __get) up at six . it’s six o’clock. but hesleep) now.

brotherslike) askingi ) some questions.

5not walk) onthegrass .

usually do on weekends?


1. it a quarter to ten . we h**ing an english lesson.

2. they my parents . they doctors.

3. it sunday morning. it sunny.

4. it often rain in spring? no , it

5. you from the usa? yes, i .

miss li doing now?

7. you often play football together? no, we .

su yang and her sister do at the weekends?

9. there any apples in the bag ? yes, there .

10. he like singing ? yes , he .

a pencil-box and some books in the desk.

12. quiet , please.

13. climb the tree .

14. i’ll a goalkeeper.

15. you at home last night ? no , i .

16. mike go shopping this ? no ,he .

17. there a lot of snow in winter? no , there .

18. you feel tired? yes, we .

19. the ball here just now ? no , it .

20. we going to see a play this weekend? yes , we .

season your mother like best ?

many bananas you h**e ?

many cars there in the park ?

far it from here ?

animals you going to see tomorrow?


2015年小学六年级英语语法及习题 冲刺阶段必备 一 名词复数规则。写出下列各词的复数 ihimthisher watch child photo diary day foot book dress tooth sheep box strawberry thief yo yo peach sandw...

小学英语 六年级英语语法

变化形式有四种 原形词尾加 s 现在第三单人称 过去原形加 ed 过去分词也相同 原形加上 ing 现在分词或动名。原形词尾加 s 如同名词复数式。若加 ed ing 以下情况要注意 词尾有e只加d,ing去无声e 词尾ie变成y,然后再加ing 辅音之后y结尾,y要变i加ed 现在分词不变y,直接...

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