
发布 2024-02-16 16:55:06 阅读 1044





1. i2. she3. we

4. us5. him6. them




7. he**y8.

much/many __

六、 翻译下列词组。(16%)

1. 下午三点一刻2. 第四节课。

3. 在第二十层楼4. 三个星期前。

5. 35个学生6. 新学期的第一天。

7. 她的手表8. 我们的学校。

9. 你的新自行车10. 我最喜欢的食物。

11. 他的明信片12. 一封电子邮件。

13. 一位老人14. 一块英国手表。

15. 一个小时16. 一百。


1. _u” 2.__f” 3. _k”4. _goalkeeper

5. _teapot 6.__apple 7. _ice-cream 8. _umbrella

9. _post office10. _airport


1.__he/i) is my father.

2she/they) are tom’s grandparents.

3we/i) am jim’s new friend.

4. look at that white dog. _they/it) is my brother’s.

5. where are __you/he from?

6. do you like collecting stamps? yes, _you/we) do.

7he/i) am a student at heyang primary school.

8you/they) are my brother’s english teacher.


pass it to他).

2她) is watching a running race.

3. would you like to go with __我们).

4. do you want to join __我).

5. tomorrow is my father’s birthday. this present is for __

6. the ball is su hai’s. please give __to __

7. what are tom’s sisters doing? _are seeing a beijing opera show.


1. _他的) coat is black, but __她的) is red.

2. whose wallet is this? it’s __我的).

3. whose wallet is that? it’s __我的) wallet.

4. are these __你们的) skateboards? yes, they’re __我们的).

5. i’m a new student. _name is helen.

6. nancy is my cousin. _eyes are big.

7. look, this is his new book. _我的) is as new as his.

8. what do people usually do at the spring festival. they visit __relatives and friends.


1. i can swim as __fast) as the fish.

2. look at his hands. his are as __small) as mine.

3. lucy is not as __tall) as the other children.

4. does jim run as __slow) as d**id?

5. i’m as __fat) as you, but i’mhe**y) than you.

6. you h**e seven books, but mike is __thin) than me.

7. i jumpfar) than any other children in my class.

8. in summer, the days are __long) and the nights are __short). but when autumn comes, the days getshort) and nights getlong.


) 1. who’s taller

a. liu tao’s or gao shan’s b. liu tao or gao shan

c. gao shan’s or liu tao d. gao shan or liu tao’s

) 2.._fatter, liu tao or gao shan?


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