
发布 2024-02-16 17:05:06 阅读 7325

感叹句。感叹句是表达喜、怒、哀、乐以及惊奇、惊讶等强烈感情的句子。感叹句通常由 what 或 how 引导。现分述如下:

一、由 what 引导的感叹句,其句子结构可分为以下三种:

1. 可用句型:“ what + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”。如:

what a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊!

what an interesting book it is! 它是一本多么有趣的书啊!

2. 可用句型:“ what +形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语!”。如:

what beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊!

what good children they are! 他们是多么好的孩子啊!

3. 可用句型:“ what +形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语!”。如:

what fine weather it is today! 今天天气多好啊!

what important news it is! 多重要的新闻啊!

二、由 how 引导的感叹句,其句子结构也分为三种:

1. 可用句型:“ how +形容词 / 副词+主语+谓语!”。如:

how careful she is! 她多么细心啊!

how fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!

2. 可用句型:“ how +形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”。如:

how beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!

3. 可用句型:“ how +主语+谓语!”。如: how time flies! 光阴似箭!

由 what 引导的感叹句与由 how 引导的感叹句有时可以转换,但句中部分单词的顺序要有所变化。如:

how beautiful a girl she is! =what a beautiful girl she is!

what delicious cakes these are! =how delicious these cakes are!


如: good idea! (好主意!)wonderful! (太精彩了!) thank goodness! (谢天谢地!)

感叹句巧解:感叹句要看后面,即看后的东东,1) 若后紧跟可数名词单数,就用what a/an;是不可数名词或可数名词复数,只用what。


例句1:what a boy he is! 他是个多么好的男孩啊!

例句2:what boys they are! 他们是多么好的男孩啊!

例句3:what weather it is! 多么冷的天气啊!

例句4:how the boy is! 这男孩多好啊!

★★ 若没有形容词,而出现副词或是句子,直接用how.

例:i)how well he plays the guitar!(what不可以修饰副词,看到副词直接用how)

ii)how time flies!( 句子iii)how fast liu xiang runs

打油诗一首: 感叹句往后看;后是名单;就用what a或what an;形后若是不可数或名复数;只用what就可以;形容词后乱糟糟;只写how就ok了。



1difficult homework we had yesterday!

2cute dog it is!

3interesting the story is!

4bad the weather in england is!

5honest boy tom is!

6tasty smell the cake g**e off!

7good time we had on the beach yesterday!

8exciting news you've brought us!

9cool your new car is!

10scary these tigers are!


1fast the boy ran!

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

2well you sing but __badly he dances!

a. how, howb. what, what c. how, whatd. what, how

3delicious the soup is! i’d like some more.

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

4fools they were! they believed what the man said.

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

5foolish they were! they believed what the man said.

a. howb. how an c. whatd. what an

6difficult questions they are! i can’t answer them.

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

7. i miss my friend very muchi want to see her!

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

8lovely weather we are h**ing these days!

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

9beautiful your new dress is!

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an

10interesting work it is to teach children!

a. how b. how an c. what d. what an


1. the boy swam very fast.(同义句the boy swam!

2. the school trip is very exciting. (同义句the school trip is!

3. hei longjiang looks very beautiful in winter. (同义句)

hei longjiang looks in winter!

4. it is a very useful dictionary. (同义句)

dictionary it is!

dictionary is!

5. the students are listening very carefully.

the students are listening!

时态复习:一、 一般现在时。


2.时间状语: always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month…),once a week, on sundays,

3.基本结构:动词原形 (如主语为第三人称单数,动词上要改为第三人称单数形式)

4.否定形式:主语+am/is/are +not+其他; 此时态的谓语动词若为行为动词,则在其前加don't, 如主语为第三人称单数,则用doesn't,同时还原行为动词。


eg:i) it seldom snows here. ii) he is always ready to help others.

iii) action speaks louder than words..



1. daniel watches tv every evening.(改为否定句)

danieltv every evening.

2. i do my homework every day .(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

— youhomework every day?——no,i .


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