
发布 2024-02-16 17:00:06 阅读 5900


is……?are……?do……?does……?is there……?are there……?

如果一个句子有:is. are.

can. 要把这个句子变成一般疑问句,就是把is. are.

can放在句首,句末标点符号是问句。that is a book.(把这个句子变成一般疑问句)

is that a book? yes, it is(肯定回答) no, it isn't (否定回答)

如果一个句子有:i we my our要把这个句子变成一般疑问句,也就是把。

i→you we→you my→your our→your 如果没有这些单词则不用换。

2、陌生人见面,也就是第一次见面时,打招呼用how do you do?回答也应该是how do you do?当熟人见面时用how are you?


问人用who; 问地点用where;问颜色用what color;问数量多少用how many;问钱数多少用how much;问年龄用how old;问身体状况用how;问某处有某物用what's+位置。问时间用what time;问长像用what is或are……like?


问职业用what do you do?

my jacket is blue(对画线部分提问)what color is your jacket?

it's two o'clock.(对画线部分提问)what time is it?

i h**e 3 books(对画线部分提问)how many books do you h**e?

i can see 2 cats(对画线部分提问)how many cats can you see?

the football is on the play ground(对画线部分提问)where is the football?

the socks are jack's(对画线部分提问)whose socks are they?

the book is amy's(对画线部分提问)whose book is it?

this is my dress(对画线部分提问)whose dress is this?


如果一个单词的第一个字母是a e i o u这五个元音字母的其中一个则用"an",如果不是这五个元音字母的其中一个则用a,an和a所表示的数量仅是1.


如果一个句子有:are或is或can要把这个句子改为否定句,就是在are is can后面分别加not,或者写成缩写形式:aren't isn't can't

this is my pencil***否定句)this is not my pencil或 isn't

6、do don't 和does does't的区别: 当主语是第一人称i、第二人称you和复数时,用do和don't。其它的用does和doesn't


this is a blue sweater***复数形式)these are blue sweaters.

are they your books?(单数)is it your book? they are books(单数)it is a book.

8、当主语是第一人称i,第二人称和复数时,其后表示动作的单词不用加s或es。如果主语不在这三个范围内,其后表示动作的单词要加s或es,i like apples. amy and mike go to school together.

amy likes apples. she goes to school every day. h**e或has 的用法和上面的用法一样you h**e a pen.

my sister has two big eyes.


there are two bedrooms, and

d a kitchen. there is a kitchen and two bedrooms.


are there any bridges in your village?(疑问句).

there are some bridges in your village(肯定句).

there aren't any bridges in your village.(否定句)

11、一周的第一天是sunday;on和over的反义词都是under. she(她)、he(他)her(女她的)、his(男他的)、over(垂直方向,在……正上方)。


不是指具体的日期用in 具体到某一天用介词on in the morning在上午。at noon在中午。 in the afternoon在下午。

in the evening在晚上。it's time to后面跟与动作有关的动词,it's time for后面跟名词。 let's和can的后面跟动词原形。

在**用语介绍自己的名子用it's+自己的名字或this is+自己的名字。不能用i am+ 名字或i'm+名字。


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小学英语 六年级英语语法

变化形式有四种 原形词尾加 s 现在第三单人称 过去原形加 ed 过去分词也相同 原形加上 ing 现在分词或动名。原形词尾加 s 如同名词复数式。若加 ed ing 以下情况要注意 词尾有e只加d,ing去无声e 词尾ie变成y,然后再加ing 辅音之后y结尾,y要变i加ed 现在分词不变y,直接...