
发布 2024-02-15 16:55:07 阅读 7003

unit 3



一、 listen and choose.(听录音,找出你所听到的单词)。 10颗星)

)1. a. bike b. buy c. go

)2. a. what b. when c. where

)3. a. light b. night c. tonight

)4. a. school b. spoon c. too

)5. a. sip b. trip c. visit

二、 listen and choose.选择你所听到的单词或词组。 (10颗星)

) 1. a. todayb. tomorrow c. tonight d. tomato

2. a. this morning b. this afternoon c. this evening d. this weekend

3. a. busyb. buyc. studyd. honey

4. a. shopb. shoec. stored. stop

5. a. post office b. pet shop c. post card d. theme park

三、 listen and choose.听对话选择正确的答案(10颗星)

) 1. shop. store

) 2. a. read books. b. visit grandparents. tv.

) 3. a. play sports. b. read the new books. c. visit her aunt.

) 4. a. supermarket. b. shoe storec. cinema.

) 5. new cd. b. some story-books. c. a new cd and some story-books.

笔试部分 (70颗星)

四、 写出所缺字母(注意大小写)(10颗星)

1、rr ss__ 2、n__ oo __p 3、j__ kk l__ 4、x__ y zz 5、ee__ gg

五、 选择不同类的单词 (10颗星)

) 1. a. need b. tomorrow c. next week d. today

2. a. post office b. pet shop c. post card d. theme park

3. a. cd b. post card c. story book d. cake

4. a. shop b. shoec. hospital d. supermarket

5. a. train b. busc. buyd. ship

六、 根据提示写出所缺单词 (5颗星)

1、 where are you going thiso i n m r g n )

2、 i’m going to theb o k o r e s o t)

3、 what are you going toy u b)

4、 i’m going to buy am i c o c) book.

5、 what are youto do ? n i g o g)

七、 选出下面各组单词中划线部分字母读音不同的单词 (4颗星)

) 1. a. pathb. father c. apple d. asking

2. a. nutb. put c. thumb d. must

3. a. supermarket b. sun c. run d. hungry

4. a. canb. family c. fat d. bathroom

八、 选择正确答案 (16颗星)

) are you going to do this afternoon?

a. i’m going to buy a book. b. i’m a student.

c. i go to school by bike. d. are you a teacher?

) 2. excuse me. where is the library?

a. where’s the museum? b. where’s the school?

c. where’s the hospital? d. it’s next to the post office.

i’m going to buy an english book.

you h**e comic book? b. what are you going to buy?

c. this afternoond. i’m going to plant trees.

) 4. 当你去商店时,售货员通常首先会说:

a. how are you ? b. what are you going to do?

c. are you a student? d. can i help you ?

) 5. where are you going this afternoon?

a. i’m going to buy some comic books. b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. can i help youd. i’m going to visit my aunt.

) 6. how do you go there?

a. i’m going to buy a magazine about plants. b. by bus.

c. i’m fined. i’m going to the shoe store.

this afternoon.

a. where are you going? b. what are you going to do?

c. when are you going? d. what’s your name?

) 8. what are you going to buy?

a. by a trin. b. i’m busy.

c. a book. d. good idea.


1. what are you going to doa. by train.

2. when are you goingb. take a trip.

3. where are you goingc. yes,i am.

4. how do you go to the zood. at 3 o’clock.

5. are you going to use any books? e. i’m going to beijing.

十、读句子,排序 (7颗星)

)good morning. where are you going this afternoon?

) at 3 o’clock.

) buy a pair of shoes.

) when are you going?

) good morning.

) what are you going to do?

) i’m going to the shoe store.


my name is amy. tomorrow is saturday. we h**e no classes.

my parents aren’t going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. my mother is going to buy something for next week. my father is going to visit my aunt and uncle.

i’m going to the bookstore by bus. then

i’m going to buy a dictionary. tomorrow evening we are going to visit my grandparents and h**e a big dinner. after that we are going to the cinema.

i think we are going to h**e a nice weekend.

) is saturday.

) 2. amy’s mother is going to buy something for next week.


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