
发布 2024-02-15 16:55:07 阅读 1452




seedb. seec. send()2.

植物a. sproutb. planec.


)3.应该a. shoulderb.

showc. should()4.可爱的a.

loveb. lovelyc. loud()5.

一些a. severalb. sevenc.

soil二选出不同类的单词。(每题2分,共10分)()1. a.

rainb. cloudc. month()2.

a. seeb. streamc.

become()3. a. oldb.

thinkc. get()4. a.

seedb. becomec. sprout()5.

a. thenb. firstc.


三、选出下列短语的汉语意思。(每题2分,共10分)()outa.核实或查明某事物() upb.出现() forc.等待。

) sured.在土壤中() the soile.醒来。


形容词2. rainy(名词形容词同音词同音词反义词比较级形式第三人称单数形式原级。


)1. the rain___the clouds.

a. comes fromb. comes toc. comes out() put the seeds___the soil.

a. inb. onc. at()3. you can wait __the plant to grow.

a. forb. beforec. after

)4. the little water drops __together and become a go upb. fall downc.

feel warm()5. look! the sun has come___

a. fromb. toc. out()6. _the plant in the soil.

a. putsb. putc. putting() water drop goes___

a. high and highb. high and higherc. higher and higher

) father put the flower in the sun and it gets __a lotb. lots ofc. lot of() very hot in the river.

a. feelsb. feelc. feeling() am going to __the flowers.

a. wateringb. wateredc. water()11.--how can the water become vapour

going to the sky.

b. the sun shines and the water becomes the river and the lake become vapour.

) tall and strong, but still it has __nob. notc. doesn’t

) _the vapour __from?

a. does; comeb. do; comec .

does; comes() can see the sprout __several of() plant is __month oneb twoc. first

六、从abcde中选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(每题2分,共10分)a. what should you do then?.

b. how do you do that?d.

how are you?e. what are you going to do this afternoon?


wu: i’m fine. and you?sarah: i’m ok.__

wu: i am going to plant flower seeds in our

wu: it’s easy. first, put the seeds in the

wu: water them. in several days, you can see the great.

so i will come to see your sprout.__wu: bye.

七、连词成句。(每题2分,共10分)1. hardly, can, i, wait

2. the, see , sprout, can, you

3. the, no, still, has, flowers, tree

4. do, how, you, tree ,a ,plant

5. i, a ,into , some , pot, seeds, put


1.能够掌握句子 they are afraid of cat is angry with them.并能在实际情景中熟练运用。2.能听 说 认 读单词 chase,mice,bad,hurt 3.能够独立完成 let s try 部分的练习。4.能以正确的语音语调表演 let s talk 部分。...


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