小学六年级英语上册第六单元测试卷 pep人教版

发布 2020-08-11 13:04:28 阅读 8321

一、读单词, 画出对应的脸。

二、 看**,写单词。



)1. my mother is going to buy me a new computer. i am very

)2. i broken my bottle. i feel

)3. i am soi want to eat some hot dogs.

)4. i don’t feel well. maybe i am __

)5. the new teacher is very strict. i am __of him.


1. i’ll go and get some

wait for

a deep breath. then youfeel so angry.

4. the micenot good.

our cat isthe mice now.


1. my little puppy is ill. i am

a. happyb. sadc. angry

and her cat are

a. worryb. worriedc. worries

3. comeplease.

a. hereb. to herec. there

4. we can gotime.

a. lastb. nextc. on

5. -howsam feelis ill.

a. do; sheb. does; shec. does; he


1. if you are ill, you should看医生)

2. if you want to be strong, you should做更多的锻炼)

3. if you feel cold, you should穿更多的衣服)

4. if you are angry, you should深吸一口气)and数到十)


)1. she is happy.

)2. mr rabbit is ill.

)3. he is so hungry.

)4. the girl is sad.

九、 情景选择我最棒。

1. 你想知道**片是关于什么的,你会问。

a. what’s the cartoon?

b. what’s the cartoon about?

c. how is the cartoon?

2. 猫对老鼠很生气, 应该这样说。

a. the cat is angry with the mice.

b. the mice are angry with the cat.

c. the cat is angry to the mice.

3. 你想知道你朋友怎么了, 你会说。

a. what’s wrong?

b. do you feel illc. are you ill?

4. 朋友的水杯不小心打碎了,你应该对她说。

a. don’t be happy.

b. don’t be sad.

c. don’t be angry.

十、 大家来找茬。 选出句子中错误的一项,并把正确答案写在横线上。

1. how do sam feel now

a b c2. you should to see a doctor.

a b c3. what should i doing?

a b c4. the cat is a police office.

a b c5. because the mice is bad.

ab c十一、 按要求完成句子。


i’mthe lion.

2. how does your father feel? (用angry来回答)

he3. amy is so happy. (写出反义句)

amy is so

4. the cartoon is about a cat and a mouse. (就画线部分提问)

the cartoon

5. xiaolin wants to be strong. (给他个合理的建议)


十。二、阅读短文, 判断句子对“√”错“×”

it’s cold today. mary feels cold and she can’t get up on time. her mother asks her.

“what’s wrong?”“i feel very cold. maybe i am ill.

” mary answers. her mother is worried and says,” let’s go to the hospital and see a doctor. i’m sure you’ll be better soon.

”)1. what’s the weather like today?

a. it’s coldb. it’s cool.

)2. can mary get up on time?

a. yes, she can. b. no, she can’t.

)3. what’s the wrong with mary?

a. she is illb. she is happy.

)4. where are mary and her mother going?

a. they are going to the hospital. b. they are going to the zoo.

)5. how does mary’s mother feel?

a. she is angry. b. she is worried.

小学六年级英语上册第六单元测试卷 pep人教版

一 读单词,画出对应的脸。二 看 写单词。三 选出不同类的单词,将代号填在上面。四 选词填空。1.my mother is going to buy me a new computer.i am very 2.i broken my bottle.i feel 3.i am soi want to ...


一 读拼音,写词语。y n li j n u nch n f n ni n l shu li x n c nl nf z q d x n q 二 区别字组词。径 沙 霞 经 吵 霜 鸦 残 银 鸭 浅 根 参 淡 渗 谈 三 连一连。依依。雁影掠过。霏霏。惊动喜鹊飞离树枝。润物。形容树枝柔弱,随风摇...


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