
发布 2024-02-15 16:50:07 阅读 6633


得分姓名时间 60 分钟满分 100分。



)1. hospital a. 书店 b. 邮局 c. 医院。

) a.书店 b. 电影院 c. 邮局。

) a.科学 b. 博物馆 c. 书。

) a. 医院 b.书店 c. **。

)5. post office a.邮局 b. 医院 c. 书。


a. interesting b. restaurant c. street d. hungry e. turn f. crossing

1.转弯2. 餐馆3.有趣的。

4.街道5. 十字路口6.饥饿。


) a. 左 b.右 c. 十字路口。

) left a. 向右转 b向左转。 c.转弯。

)3. straight a. 左 b. .右 c. 直接地。

) right a. 向右转 b.向左转。 c.转弯。

) straight a. 向右转 b. 向左转 c.直接走。


1. whereis/ are) the cinema?

2. i t’s附近)the bookstore.

3. it’s旁边) the bookstore.

4. is there a电影院) near here?

5where/ how ) is the bookstore?


thank youa. it’ next to the hospital.

is it far from hereb. yes, there is

is there a cinema near herec. you’re welcome.

where’s the cinema, pleased. no, it’s not far.


p__ stb _ kstore( )hospit _ l( )

mu s__ umoff__ ce


1. is/ where/ cinema/ the/ please

2. next /it’s/ to /the museum

3. get/ i/ how/ can / there

4. left/ bookstore/ turn/ at /the

5. is/ a / hospital/ there/ my / in /city

九、 选出不同类的一项。(5分)

)1. a. bus c. plane

)2. a. stop b. go c. book

)3. a. bookstore c. slow

)4. a. taxi b. on foot c. by ship

)5. a. hospital


)1. 好多自行车**! a. so many pictures of bikes!

b. so many pictures and bikes .

)2. 公共汽车来了。 a. the bus is coming. b. the bus is going.

)3. 它挨着博物馆。 a. it’s the museumb. it’s next to the museum.

)4. 邮局在**? a. where is the post office? b. where is the bookstore.

)5.我不知道。 a. i don’t know . b. i am a student.


a. 提供、交给 b. 带来。

a. 皮毛b. 特点。

3. follow a. 知道,了解 b. 跟着,跟随。

4. far a较远的b. 羽毛。

5. tell a. 告诉b. 谈话。


)1.-where is the school

a. you can go on foot b. it’s next to the hospital.

)2.-where is the picture

a. it’s on the wall. b. it’s red.

)3.-how can i get to the museum

straight .turn left at the cinema . b. yes, you can.

)4.-excuse me .is there a cinema near here

a. yes, there isb. yes, it is.

)5.-is there a zoo near the park

a. yes, the zoo is near the park. b. yes, the zoo is near the bank.


nina: look ! these are my family pictures.

ann: who’s that man ?he’s so handsome .

nina: he’s my father .

ann: is he a player ?

nina: no, he’s a teacher .he teaches french(法语)in a school.

ann: does he go to work by car?

nina:no, he doesn’t .my dad always says , more walks ,more healthy”.


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