
发布 2024-02-14 04:05:10 阅读 2842









1.homework i my did yesterday(.

2.your go work father bus does by to (?


)1. bag a. banana b. cat c. glass d. father

)2. yes a. happy b. any c. hurry d. yellow

)3. whose a. who b. which c. what d. when

)4. this a. thank b. thin c. think d. that

)5. red a. seat b. see c. get d. evening

三、词汇 (共20分)


1. child(复数2. big(比较级同音词)

4. twenty(序数词) 5. dad(书面语 is(缩写)

反义词) 8. read(过去式) 全写。

10. h**e (单三11. him(主格12. run(ing形式)

13. they(单数14. teach (名词15. fun (形容词)

16. can not (缩写) 17. september(缩写) 18. girl(对应词)

过去式20. don’t( 全写)


21. h**e a fever 22. 读书23. how he**y24. 看电视25. visit my grandparents26. 去钓鱼。

27. play the piano28. 在星期一29. take pictures30.上英语课。


)31. a. shoes b. wear c. socks d. pants

)32. a. faceb. mouth c. nosed. sheep

)33. a. post card b. breakfast c. dinner d. lunch

)34. a. eastb. west c. north d. monday

)35. a. trainb. bus c. fived. bike


)1. i get up 6:30 in the morning.

a. atb. inc. on

)2. i want __a comic book.

a. buyb. to buyc. buys

) usually stayat home saturdays.

a. in b. on c. at

)4. he is than his little brother.

)5. do you like ?

a. swim b. are swimmingc. swimming

) tv every evening.

a. looksb. watchesc. looks at

) is___on the desk.

a. a pencil-case b. pensc. rulers

)8. —your mother? —she is a nurse.

a. how old b. what’sc. how

)9. my motherin the kitchen now?

a. is cookb. cooksc. is cooking

)10. she go shopping last weekend?

a. did b. doesc. do

)11. mr zhang enjoys people.

a. helpb. helpsc. helping

)12. are youtomorrow ?

a. going to b. go to shanghai c. going to shanghai

)13. —does he teach mathhe teaches chinese .

a. yes, he does b. no, he doesn’t c. yes, he is

)14. let me the window.

a. cleanb. cleansc. cleaning

)15. where my shoes ?

a. amb. isc. are

)16 . whose school bag is that? —it’s .

a. my b. tom’sc. he

)17. my aunt usually goes to work foot.

a. onb. byc. in

)18. give me apple, please. i want big apple.


小学时最令我们怀念并且喜欢的一个阶段,毕竟那是和同学们相处最长久的一个阶段,六年的金色童年时光,简直就是完全不像要离开的感觉,很不容易辛辛苦苦培育出的友谊之花却马上面临着凋谢 离别的酸楚 在老师同学面前的好学生也面临着升学的压力,但是在填写同学录的时候也会有那么一点的酸涩,毕竟相处六年热热闹闹的时光...


尊敬的老师,同学们 小学时最令我们怀念并且喜欢的一个阶段,毕竟那是和同学们相处最长久的一个阶段,方杨小学六年的金色童年时光,简直就是完全不像要离开的感觉,很不容易辛辛苦苦培育出的友谊之花却马上面临着凋谢 离别的酸楚 在老师同学面前的好学生也面临着升学的压力,但是在填写同学录的时候也会有那么一点的酸涩...


金沙县官田乡2012 2013学年度第二学期小学毕业模拟试题。英语。满分 100分。一 选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,完成单词拼写。5分 1 t n a ow b ou c oa 2 ngra u,i b a,n c a,y 3 ele ant a ff b ph c th 4 w r a ea b...