
发布 2024-01-23 10:20:18 阅读 4266



) bus

) north b. south


) going to the hospital.

) teaches chinese.

) comes from the rain

) works in a car factory..

) is an actor.


) she does. she doesn’t.

) the bookstore the hospital

) likes playing the violin.

likes collecting stamps.

) mother is an artist. mother is an actress.

) is going to the shop. is going to plant seeds.


) sun shines , the rain falls down into a lake.

) water can become vapour.

) cloud comes from the vapour.

)4.“i”come from the clouds.

) very hot today.



)1. a、bike

) office








) he go to the park ?

a. is b. does c. do

)2. frist,__the seeds in the soil.

b. put c. get

)3is the cinema?

---it’s next to the post office.

a. when b. where c. what

) are you going to do __sunday?

a. on b. at c. in

) straight __3 minutes.

a. for b. at c. with

) does the __come from ? it comes from the clouds.

a. rain b. sun c. cloud

) she like to do?

a. do b. does c. is

) jie likes __a bike.

a. ride b. riding c. rides

) is a teacher, she __english.

a. teach b. teaches c. teacher

) actor is usually a __

a. man b. woman c. police


) does your father do ? a. to be policeman.

) are you going to do? b. i’m going to the park.

) are you going? c. she works in a car company.

) does the cloud come from? d. he’s an artist.( 5、where does she work? e. vapour.


)plant trees?

)that’s great!

)what are you going to do this weekend?

)yes. i need some plants. so i’m going to buy a magazine about plants.

)i’m going to plant trees.


how does he go to work ? subway)

what does he do ? actor)

excuse me , where is the library ? post office ,next to )

where are you going this weekend ? the great wall )

what’s your hobby? (bike)


my name is tim. tomorrow is the weekend. we h**e no classes.

my parents aren’t going to work, but we are going to h**e a busy day. my mother is going to buy something for next week. my father is going to visit my aunt and uncle.

i’m going to play ping-pong with my cousin. tomorrow evening we are going to h**e a big dinner. after that we are going to the cinema.

i think we are going to h**e a nice weekend.

1) what day is it tomorrow?

2) what’s his mother going to do?

she is going to

3) what is tim going to do?

he’s going to

4)判断i think ,we’ll very happy tomorrow. (

5)we h**e no classes .意思是。

七、读一读alan 的个人情况,用英语完成alan的个人信息。(5分)

alan brown is an australian boy . he is twelve years old . he lives at 69 park road , sydney with his parents .

art and music are his f**ourite subjects . in his spare time , he likes playing the violin and doing sports.




f**ourite subjects(最喜欢的科目。


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