
发布 2024-01-23 10:20:18 阅读 3987

一、找出斜体部分读音与其他三个不同,把序号填在括号内。(6分)( 1. a. bear b. there c. hear d. pear

) 2. a. ready b.

nineteen c. he**y d. sweater( )3.

a. word b. doctor c.

worker d. forty( )4. a.

their b. thanks c. brother d.

this( )5. a. bags b.

hens c. maps d. farmers( )6.

a. cool b. goose c.

school d. good


)1. bike mine( )2. nose long( )3.

much museum( )4. left desk( )5. hand make( )loud三、按要求写词语:



(名词性物主代词8. watch(过去式同音词过去式)四、选择填空。(20分)

) 1. the sun is __than the earth (地球).

a. big b. bigger c. small d. smaller

)2. the students __their homework every they___their do, do b. does, doingc.

doing, are doing d. do, are doing( )the date today?

1st . clouldy. d.7:00( )4. -what are the students doing?

-some___books and others __at the are looking, are reading b. are reading, are watchingc. are watching, are looking d.

are reading, are looking( )5. -can you help me with my english ?

sure. c. i can't think no, thanks( )6.

one of the boys___my isb. arec. amd.

be( )7. we __books last read b. reads c .


) going to __my grandma this )9. when did you eat ) does miss white do?

likes a actor. c. she’s an actor.

( 11. would you like___the football match?a.

to watch b. to see c. watch d.


)12. there is going to be a good film at the __a. stadium b.

cinema c. office d. school

) family usually go to the park together___sunday .a. in b. on c. at d. /

) would like to go to beijing___the morning ofmonday . a. in b. on c. at d. for

)15 __is the first day of the week .a. saturday b. sunday c. monday d. friday

)16.—would you like something to drink?—yes,__a.

iwould like b. i would like to c. i would d.

i like( )17. he and his mother___going is b. are c.

be d. am

)18. jackie chan is my __film like b. best c.

f**orite d. good( )19. would you like __water ?

a. some b. any c.

a d. a

)20. let me __the teacher to help answer the ask b. to ask c.

asks d. asked五、看图写单词(8分)12.3

spc___a m___4.5.


m___a s __by t___en___

六、根据中文意思,用准确的形式填空。(10分)1、--what does sarah usually do on the weekend?--she usually看电视) .

2、--what did you do on your holiday?

-i went to beijing and拍照) there.3、–what is mike doing now?

-he is踢足球) on the playground.

4、–are you going to游泳) this afternoon?--no, we are going to h**e a picnic.

5、john is taller than zhang peng. but zhang pengis强壮) than john.


1 . look ! my sisterplay ) with the toy cars .

2 . heget ) up at 6:30 every morning .

3 . do they like __swim) ?

4 . can youmake ) a ***** plane for me ?

5. igo ) to xinjing on my holiday last year.八、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。

(10分) on you go your holiday did

2. matter with you what’s the

3. the do you what on weekend do usually

4. you am than i taller

5. visit i’m tomorrow my going grandparents to

九、阅读短文,选词填空。(10分)mom,how are you? every day i had with my new friends this stayed at a beautiful .

on monday we ate fresh from thefarm. on tuesday we went in the field. on wednesday we

and danced. on thursday we went in the river and we ate thefish. we took many pictures.

i’ll be back home. miss you anddad!

yours, sarah


a crow (乌鸦) wanted to drink some water but can't find looks here and there. then he cries out, "i can see a jar(罐子)and there is some water in it." he tries but fails toget the water.

"how can i?" he thinks it over. "i can put mybeak (鸟嘴) quite close to it.

but still cannot drink thewater. what can i do? i want to drink.

"he looks here and there, and then he knows what to do. hepicks up a small stone (石头)with his beak and drops it intothe jar. "soon the water will be high and i can drink it,"says the crow.

guess what? the water in the jar turns (变得) to be highenough to drink. the clever crow drinks the water finally.

()1. what is the crow looking for?a.

a jar b. some water c. some food

) can't he drink the water right now? because

a. the water is in the jar. b.

he doesn't want to drink it. water isn't high enough for him to drink.


11.4 听力部分 共30分 一 听录音。a.听辨单词 每小题1分,满分5分 选出所听句子里含有的那个选项。读两遍。1.a.tuesdayb.thursdayc.thirsty 2.a.walkb.talkc.take 3.a.beautifulb.butterflyc.beautifully 4....


小学六年级语文毕业考模卷。满分 100分时间 90分。一 读拼音写词语 10分 cu c np ihu ich chu nggu f w r ji n y d y g ngy ob y k d u二 在横线上填上同音字。8分 编 视 轴一 千里。将 巨奉 幕 锦中 原形不 一顾湍 利 法 气。三 查...


考试时间 90分钟满分 100分 一 填空。17分 1 最近人口统计数据表明 世界人口已达 人左右。把这个数改写成用万作单位的数是省略亿后面的尾数约是 人。立方厘米 升 2.5小时 小时 分。3 含盐率是10 的盐水中,盐和水的比是。的分数单位是 再加上 个这样的单位就是最小的质数。5 阳光小学共计...