
发布 2024-02-01 06:10:06 阅读 2807

there be 句型与h**e, has的区别。

一、there be句型。


2.在there be 句型中,主语是单数或不可数名词,be 动词用is ;主语是复数,be 动词用are ;如有几件物品,be 动词根据最近be动词的那个名词决定。

there is a book on the desk. there is some water in the glass.

there are three men under the tree . there is a bag,two books and three pens on the desk.

3.there be句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。

there is a duck in the river.

否定句:there is not a duck in the river.

一般疑问句:is there a duck in the river?

4.some 和any 在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。

5.and 和or 在there be句型中的运用:and 用于肯定句, or 用于否定句或疑问句。


how many +名词复数 + are there + 介词短语?

how much + 不可数名词 + is there + 介词短语?


what’s + 介词短语?



2.h**e用在人称i,we,you,they和复数的人或物后面。has用在人称he, she, it和单数和人或物后面。

i h**e a daughter. he has a lucky dog.

三、there be句型与h**e,has有时也可以通用。

如:the classroom has ten desks. =there are ten desks in the classroom. 教室里有十张桌子。

注意:1.“h**e + 表示一日三餐的名词”,意为“用餐”。如:h**e breakfast吃早餐,h**e lunch吃午饭,h**e supper吃晚饭。

2.“h**e + 表示食品、饮料等名词”,意为“吃;喝”。如:h**e (some) bread吃面包,h**e eggs (for breakfast) (早餐)吃鸡蛋,h**e (a cup of) tea 喝(一杯)茶。

3.“h**e + 表示动作的名词”,没有固定的意思,常与表示动作的名词同义。如:

h**e a rest 休息一下。

h**e a swim 游泳。

h**e a drink (of...喝一点(……

h**e a look (at ..朝……)看一眼。

4.“h**e + 表示某种活动的名词”,意为“进行,举行”。如:

h**e a class (学生) 上课。

h**e a birthday party 举行生日聚会。



1.there a lot of sweets in the box.

2.there some milk in the glass.

3.there some people under the big tree.

4.there a picture and a map on the wall.

5.there a box of rubbers near the books.

6.there lots of flowers in our garden last year.

7.there a plate of chicken behind the fridge yesterday.

8.there four cups of coffee on the table.

二、用 h**e或has填空。

1.ia nice picture.

2.hea good friend.

3.theysome kites.

4.wesome flowers.

5.shea duck.

6.my fathera new bike.

7.her mothera vase.

8.our teacheran english book.

9.our teachersa basketball.

10.their parentssome story books.

11.nancymany skirts.

12.d**idsome jackets.

13.my friendsa football.

14.what do you

15.what does mike

16.what do your friends

17.what does helen

18.his brother __a basketball.

19.her sister __a nice doll.

20.miss lian english book.

三、用“h**e,has” “there is , there are” 或者“is there , are there”填空。

1. i __a good father and a good mother.

2a book on the desk.

3. hea tape-recorder.

4a basketball in the playground.

5. shesome dresses.

6. theya nice garden.

7. what do you

8a reading-room in the building?

9. what does mike

10any books in the bag?

11. my father __a story-book.

12a story-book on the table.

13any flowers in the garden?

14. how many studentsin the classroom?

15. my parentssome nice pictures.

16some maps on the wall.

17a map of the world on the wall.

18. d**ida car.

19. d**id’s friendssome dogs.

20many children on the hill.


1. i h**e a ping-pong ball.

2. we h**e a basketball.

3. they h**e a new tv.

4. they h**e many flowers.

5. mr smith has a telephone.

6. his aunt has a new tv.

7. he has a nice room.

is an apple in the basket.

are some boys in our class.


1. i h**e a ping-pong ball.

2. we h**e a basketball.


词汇总结。1 a an 一,一个。2 about 附近,大约。3 add 增加,添加。4 advice 忠告,建议。5 afraid 害怕,担心。6 after 在 之后。7 afternoon 在之后,在后面。8 again 又,再次。9 age 年龄。10 ago 以前的,以往的。11 agre...


动词短语。clean the floor 扫地。clean the house 打扫房间。collect stamps 集邮。come back 回来。come from 来自 come here 来这里。come in 进来。come on 过来 加油。cook the meal 煮饭。crash...


六年级英语专项练习 情态动词 一 情态动词的定义 情态动词有词义,但它不能单独作谓语,它必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化 它的后面必须跟动词原形。二 情态动词的种类 三 情态动词的用法及主要句型 1 can i help you?yes,please.no,thanks.2 c...