人教PEP 小学六年级英语毕业综合模拟练习题

发布 2024-02-13 23:25:09 阅读 4204




1. play plane plate2. wait want what

3. talk taketell4. work walk wake

5. feel fallfail6. angry hungry hurry

7. skate skirt shirt8. watch water wash

9. stop shop seatsaid






)1. a. i’m 40kgb. i’m 154cmc. i’m 12.

)2. a. she’s fineb. he has a coldc. he feels happy.

)3. a. oct. 1stb. june 1stc. jan. 1st.

)4. a. i’m going to hong kongb. i’m going there by plane.

c. i’m going to buy a book.

)5. a. she likes watching tvb. she watches tv every evening.

c. she is a tv reporter.




let us go skating





1. olderyoungertallerother

2. companyshelffactoryshop

3. rainwindkitecloud

4. growdigaddflower

5. bookstorepost cardcinemapark

6. monthweekdaytail

7. tomorrowmagazinedictionarynews*****

8. subwaybusvapourtrain

9. visitsunreadbuy


(照例写) china2. let us(缩写形式。

(完全形式4. swim(doing形式。

5. by (同音词6. big (形容词比较级。

7. old (2个反义词。


go to school

is the cinema? it’sto the hospital.

likebest. because i cana snowman.

oftenpictures on the weekends.


is he doing? he’s


)1. lucy is ten. kate is nine years old. so lucy isthan kate.

a. olderb. youngerc. fatter

)2. they liketo music.

a. listeningb. listensc. listen

)3. you can go to the moon by

a. carb. planec. spaceship

)4. the traffic light is yellow, you may

a. stopb. waitc. go

)5. my throatsore, my nose

a. is, hurtb. are, hurtsc. is hurts

)6. when are you going to hong kong? i’m going

a. this weekendb. by planec. yesterday

)7. the woman is seventy, but she looks so

a. tallb. youngc. thin

)8. i likebecause it’s hot, i can eat ice-creams.

a. fallb. summerc. spring

)9. teacher’s day is in

a. octoberb. novemberc. september

)10. where does the rain come from? it comes from the

a. cloudsb. waterc. sun


1. go, usually, school, i, to, foot, on (.

2. to, are, going, weekend, the, you, what, do, on (?

3. look, so, you, excited (.

4. birthday, june, her, in, is (?

5. writing, grandma, the, study, is, a, in, letter (.


today is saturday. it's fine. my parents and i go to the zoo.

first, we come to see the monkeys. look at those monkeys! some are playing with each other, some are swinging on the trees, some are ****** faces, and some are eating bananas.

then we go to see the peacocks(孔雀). how beautiful they are! they h**e long tails and small mouths.

they are all wearing colorful clothes. they look like pretty princesses(公主). they are dancing together happily.

at last, we come to see a very big animal. it has a long nose and two big ears. its ears look like two big fans.

what is it? ha-ha, it's an elephant. it's very friendly.

my father takes a photo for it.

today, i am very happy because i h**e seen many lovely animals. i hope people can get along well(与……友好相处) with the animals forever.

go to the zoo with my dad and mum

2. the monkeys are playing, swinging and dancing

3. the peacocks are beautiful

4. the elephant has a long nose and two big eyes

5. we should love animals


一、listen and circle. 听音,圈出听到的单词。10%


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