学年 人教PEP 小学六年级毕业考试英语复习试卷

发布 2020-08-12 00:32:28 阅读 2546




) 1. a. 112 b. 120 c. 122 d. 212

) 2. a. 8:20 b. 8:30 c. 8:40 d. 8:50

) 3. a. 87237226 b. 87237626 c. 87237262 d. 87273226

) 4. a. stay b. stop c. speak d. stand

) 5. a. [pju:pl] b. [pi:pl] c. [midl] d. [pens]

) 6. a. [lait] b. [nait] c. [wait] d. [wai]

) 7. a. an old dog b. an old door c. an old worker d. an only daughter

) 8. a. my plane b. my plate c. my ***** d. my pupil


1. we arewe __our country.

2. the workers area

3. thisis for you

4. i h**e twoone isthe other is


) 1. a. how are you? b. how do you do?

c. i’m thirteen . d. fine , thanks . and you?

) 2. a. yes,i’m. b. yes, it’s. c. yes, very much. i can.

) 3. a. yes,you’re. b. yes, it’s. c. yes, of course. d. yes, you do.

) 4. a. you’re welcome. b. thank you very much .

c. that’s right. d. i’m ok.

) 5. a. there’re thirty. b. they’re thirty.

c. it’s thirty. d. it’s thirty yuan.

) 6. a. that’s right. b. all right. let’s.

c. please do. d. i like playing.

) 7. a. yes, i’m. b. yes, i’d like a cake.

c. yes, i’d like a glass of milk. d. yes , i do.

) 8. a. yes, please. b. yes, you’re.

c. yes, i can. d. yes, you do.


) 1. a. it’s time to go to bed. b. yes, there is.

c. yes, it’s. d. it’s time to go work.

) 2. a. sixty yuan and thirty fen. b. seventy yuan and thirty fen.

c. sixty yuan and forty fen. d. seventy yuan and forty fen.

) 3. a. yes,she’s. she isn’t.

c. yes, she can. d. no, she can’t.


) 1. there are some maps in the classroom.

) 2. there are some pictures in the classroom.

) 3. there is a picture between two windows.

) 4. the people in this picture are h**ing an english class.

) 5. we can see a teacher in the picture. she’s writing.

) 6. the boy in the picture is talking with the teacher.


1. what do you usually do ontju:zdi].

2. would you like a __botl] of milk .

3. what’s your father’s __dзob]?

4. my mother iskukiη]

5. do you play basketballfter_] school .


) 1. a . river b . eat c . worry d . stay

) 2. a . pear b . apple c . flower d . banana

) 3. a . bread b . milk c . table d . egg

) 4. a . one b . two c . first d . four

) 5. a . tell b . say c . cook d . father

) 6. a . third b . ninth c . eight d . twelfth


1. they___宾格) 2. country复数) 3. close现在分词)

4. two___序数词)5. japan形容词) 6. i名词性物主代词)

7. ***** __复数) 8. swim现在分词)


) 1. classes begin __seven fifty -five .

a. in b. on c. at d. for

) 2. they often help

a. i b. mine c. my d. me

) 3. i want __a map of china .

a. buy b. is buying c. to buy d. am buying

) 4. is it a picture __your school ?

a. of b. to c. and d. with

) 5. do you like

a. swim b. swimming c. are swimming d. swim, too

) 6. the man __a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .

a. and b. of c. with d. for

) 7. who’s the lady __blue ?

a. in b. on c. at d. with

) 8. we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon .

a. at…in b. at…on c. in…at d. on…on

) 9. a: it’s a white shirt , is it yours ? b: no, _is yellow .

a. i b. my c. mine d. me

) 10. _any men in the room ?

a. is there b. are there c. there aren’t d. there isn’t

) 11. the bed __the right is yours .

a. on b. in c. at d. of

) 12. look at __picture .

a. one b. the one c. first d. the first

) 13. these books are my

a. students b. students’s c. students’ d. students of

) 14. my parents often tell me __china .

a. about b. from c. for d. by

) 15. _any food in the fridge ?

a. are there b. is there c. h**e d. has


1. the children like the ball . 改为一般疑问句)

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