
发布 2024-02-12 21:40:05 阅读 7206



总分:100分限时:50分钟) 班级姓名。



1. n _se _ice ke

_k _ ght ll 9. _pple _ p


)1. b. ten c. eight ( 2. c. banana

)3. a..leg ( 4.

)7. a. what a. go b. tall


电影院6. wait for跳高 艺术家 chess等候。

驾驶8. high jump下棋。

博物馆9. headache仔细地。

花10. carefully学校。

胶带头疼。五、. 按要求写出所给单词的适当形式。(12分)

(过去式形式2. second(基数词名词形式第三人称单数)__过去式形式 )_not(缩略形式)__

复数形式)__8. swim(现在分词形式)__同音词 )_10. big(反义词11. bus(复数形式)__12. let’s(缩略形式)__

六。 选择答案。(10分)

)1 . sometimes i gowith my grandpa.

a. fish fish.

)2. people go to workcar.

a. by c. on

( )3. now shea computer.

c. uses

( )the park

a. going c. went

( )you do last weekend?

a. do b. does c. did

) red hat.

b. h**e c. am

) look __the blackboard.

a .to b. on c. at

) in the library.

a. should b. shouldn't c. must

) you h**ecousins?

a. little c. any

) apples on the table.


good at english

2. my sister likedance).

isread) now.

oftenhelp) our mother with housework.

to the park last weekend.

6not open)the door.

canplay )football.

little brother.

___be)nine years old last year.

at six o’clock every morning.


do where you ?(连词成句。

like playing volleyball.(变为否定句。

went fishing yesterday.(变为一般疑问句。

tall are you ?(结合实际回答问题。


colour is your pen?(结合实际回答问题。

likes dogs.(变为一般疑问句。


there is a new park near my family and i are in the park now. on my left, there is a my right, there is a big lake. there are many flowers and trees near the is a small hill behind the lake.

there is a sign:“don t swim in the lake” .there is a playground in the middle of the park.

there are some small shops near the gate. the park is so beautiful. we like it very much.

阅读短文并填空。 is anear my house.

shop is on my

can notin the lake.

is ain the middle of the park.

park is sowe like it very much.

十。附加题 ( 10分)

请以 my friend 为题目写一篇小作文,介绍一下她或他的姓名、外貌、性格和爱好等。

要求:1.条理清楚,语句通顺。 2.不少于40词。


仙桃市2013年秋季学期期末考试。小学六年级英语。命题人 仙桃市教育科学研究院王芬。时限 60分钟满分 100分 do it carefully,you can do it very well!听力部分 共四大题,计40分 一 听辨单词或词组 words and phrases 1分 10 10分 ...


2016届小学六年级英语冲刺卷 1 总分 40分 一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。4分,每小题1分 二 情景问答。从 栏中选出与 栏相对应的答语,并将序号写在题前括号里。8分,每小题1分 part a 1.glad to meet youa.i m fine.thank you 2.good morni...


五城中心小学2013年六年级质量检测模拟卷。英语 一。根据要求写单词 5分 反义词比较级比较级副词 过去式 过去式 同音词 形式复数序数词。二。选择正确的答案。15分 根据所给情景选择正确答语,并将序号填在括号里。1.当你想知道对方是否喜欢学英语,问 do you like best?b.do yo...