
发布 2024-02-12 21:40:05 阅读 7999



一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。 (4分,每小题1分)

二、情景问答。从ⅱ栏中选出与ⅰ栏相对应的答语,并将序号写在题前括号里。(8分, 每小题1分)

part a:

)1. glad to meet youa. i’m fine. thank you!

)2. good morningb. happy new year!

)3. happy new yearc. good morning!

)4. how are youd. glad to meet you, too.

part b:

( )1 can i help youa. .good evening.

) you laterb. thank you.

) birthdayc. yes, i need a bag.

) you.

三、情景运用。根据提示选择相应的答案,并将序号写在题前括号里。(7分, 每小题1分)

)1. 打**时,应该如何自我介绍?

a.hello,this is wang tao. b. hello, i am wang tao.

)2. 问别人生日de时候,可以说?

a.happy birthday. b. happy new year!

)3. 新朋友第一次见面,应该怎么说?

a.glad to meet you. b. nice to meet you.

)4. 问他们是怎么去上学的,应该怎么说?

a.how do you go home? b. how do they go to school?

)5. 去商店,售货员会对你说:

a.can i help youb. can you ride a bike?


a.can you help me with english?

b.can you help me with math?

) 7. 想叫同学穿上鞋子,可以说?

a.put on your shoesb. take off your shoes.


1. there is a tiger in the zoo

2. i go to school on foot

3. do you h**e a good time in your summer vocation

4. look! there are some birds in the trees

5. can you ride a bike


)1. peter is aand he is in class three, grade six.

a. friend b. student c. horse

)2. wang tao is a boy. he wears a

a. shirtb. skirtc. dress

)3. it's cold. please___

a. open the door b. turn on the fan c. close the window

)4. look! there are three elephants

a. in springb. in the zooc. in the classroom

)5. where is the library

a. go straight. b. on the afternoon


i h**e a big farm. there are ten animals on the farm. look!

two dogs are jumping, i like them very much! and three hens are h**ing lunch, five ducks are swimming. do you h**e a farm?

)1. i h**e a small farm.

)2. there are 10 animals on the farm.

)3. i h**e 3 dogs and 3hens.

)4. five ducks are jumping.

)5. i like the dogs very much.


it’s a pear

there are three monkeys in the zoo.

it’s a window


小学六年级语文试卷。一 积累与运用。47分 1 看拼音,写词语。8分 d o m i ch ng f ku w w r m i l h ng m o k ng b mi o sh 2 在下面的横线下填入读 man 的汉字。3分 不经心 条斯理 山遍野轻歌曼 天真烂 临窗布 3.查字典 9分 1 小云...


一 必背单词,要求会读会拼会写!10分 1.职业 jobs teacher 教师 student 学生 doctor 医生。nurse driver 司机 farmer 农民。singer歌唱家 writer 作家 actor 男演员。actress 女演员 artist 画家 tv reporte...


马踏小学2011级语文 六上 期末冲刺卷。姓名学号成绩。一 积累与运用 37分 1 请用 画出带点字的正确读音。4分 瀑布 p b o 静谧 m b 恩赐 c ch 朦胧 m mg m n 埋怨 m n m i 畜生 ch x 陶醉 zu zhu 绷着脸 b ng b ng 2 按要求做题。7分 脂...