
发布 2020-07-25 05:59:28 阅读 9303

1. 写出下列各词的复数

ihimthisher __

watch __child __photo __diary __

day __foot __book __dress __

tooth __sheep __box___strawberry __

thief __yo-yo __peach __sandwich __

man __woman __***** __juice

water __milkricetea

2. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数

drinkgostay __make __

lookh**epass __carry __

come __watch __plant __fly __

study __brushdoteach

3. 写出下列动词的现在分词


dance __sitrun __plant __

take __swimask __stop __

take __writeh**e __smoke __

4. 写出下列动词的过去式

is\amfly __plant __are __

drinkplay __go __make __

doesdance __worry __ask __

tasteeatdraw __put __

throw __kickpass __do___

5. 写出下列词的完全形式

can’ti’d __aren’t __they’re __

let’swasn’t __that’s __don’t___

when’s __didn’t __you’re __doesn’t __

he’s __she’s __i’m __isn’t

i’ve __shouldn’t __i’llwho’s __

6. 写出下列各词的反义词

yesblack __here __new __

different __small __go __early __

rightdown __ask __behind_ _

fat __noisy___illlong

hotbig __bad __busy

he**yfast __low __left

tallyoung __lastopen

7. 写出下列各词的近义词

learn __find __near __just now __

look __desk __picture __big


nicecup __speak

mum __dad __purse___exciting __

8. 写出下列各词的同音词

to __by __for __there

see __right __who’si

aren’t __herefatherson

pear __nobehi


1. i __to school from monday to friday. my brother often __to school with me.

yesterday we __to school together. we like __to school very much. (go )

usually __lunch at home. but last week, they __lunch at school. (h**e )

english book. it __new. but now it __not here. it __there a moment ago.( be )

sister likes __very much. she often __at our school festival. last term, she __a lot of songs in the school hall.

she __beautifully. (sing )

___he usually __on sunday?he usually __his homework. look!

hehis homework now.__he __his homework last sunday?yes, hedo )

6. do people usually___moon cakes at mid-autumn festival? yes, they do.

did you __moon cakes last mid-autumn festival? yes, i did. i __a lot of delicious moon cakes.

(eat )

7. -how __you?--i __fine. thank you.

---where __youyesterday?

---i __at home with my family

your father at home, too?

---yes, hebe )

is a dancer. she __every day.

look! shenow. (dance )

9. national day isa lot of people __to beijing two weeks

ago. (come )

often __shopping with her mother. she likes __shopping in the shop. she __shopping yesterday.

(go )

brother __a new wallet. i __a wallet, too. our wallets are from our parents.

we __them at a party yesterday. (h**e )

cd? it __not on the desk now. it __there just now.

it __my f**orite present from my good friends. they __my classmates. (be )


1. they___宾格) 2. country复数) 3. close现在分词)

4. two___序数词) 5. japan形容词) 6. i名词性物主代词)

7. ***** __复数) 8. swim现在分词)


) 1). classes begin __seven fifty -five .

a. in b. on c. at d. for

) 2). they often help

a. i b. mine c. my d. me

) 3). i want __a map of china .

a. buy b. is buying c. to buy d. am buying

) 4). is it a picture __your school ?

a. of b. to c. and d. with

) 5). do you like

a. swim b. swimming c. are swimming d. swim, too

) 6). the man __a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .

a. and b. of c. with d. for

) 7). who’s the lady __blue ?

a. in b. on c. at d. with

) 8). we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon .

a. at…in b. at…on c. in…at d. on…on

) 9). a: it’s a white shirt , is it yours ? b: no, _is yellow .

a. i b. my c. mine d. me

) 10any men in the room ?

a. is there b. are there c. there aren’t d. there isn’t

) 11). the bed __the right is yours .

a. on b. in c. at d. of

) 12). look at __picture .

a. one b. the one c. first d. the first

) 13). these books are my

a. students b. student’s c. students’ d. students of

) 14). my parents often tell me __china .

a. about b. from c. for d. by

) 15any food in the fridge ?

a. are there b. is there c. h**e d. has

六、 用括号内的词的适当形式填空 5’

___you just now? (be)

b:i __in the teachers’ office.

tao __in the classroom. but just now hein the teachers’ office.(be)

tao often __get) up at six . it’s six o’clock. but hesleep) now.

brotherslike) askingi ) some questions.

5not walk) onthegrass .

usually do on weekends?


1. it a quarter to ten . we h**ing an english lesson.

2. they my parents . they doctors.

3. it sunday morning. it sunny.

4. it often rain in spring? no , it

5. you from the usa? yes, i .

miss li doing now?

7. you often play football together? no, we .

su yang and her sister do at the weekends?

9. there any apples in the bag ? yes, there .

10. he like singing ? yes , he .

a pencil-box and some books in the desk.

12. quiet , please.

13. climb the tree .

14. i’ll a goalkeeper.

15. you at home last night ? no , i .

16. mike go shopping this ? no ,he .

17. there a lot of snow in winter? no , there .

18. you feel tired? yes, we .

19. the ball here just now ? no , it .

20. we going to see a play this weekend? yes , we .

season your mother like best ?

many bananas you h**e ?

many cars there in the park ?

far it from here ?

animals you going to see tomorrow?


1. who can help __she) to carry the box?

2. mum, we are very hungry. give __we) some bread, please.

3. this is my puppet. that's __you) puppet.

4. open the door for __i), please.

5. today is __she) birthday.

6. d**id got a computer from __he) parents.

7. this is your classroomour) is next to the teachers' office.

8. my uncle has a daughter. he loves __she) very much.

9. tommy has a cute catit) name is kitty.

10. are there __some) reading rooms in this building?

11. -u like collecting coins very much.

i) too.

12. -is there __some) water in the bottle?

---yes, there is.

13. -whose books are these?

---they're __they), i think.

14. -how many students h**e __they) birthdays in may?

---no one.

15. what's the matter with __d you h**e problems with __homework? (you)


一 必背单词,要求会读会拼会写!10分 1.职业 jobs teacher 教师 student 学生 doctor 医生。nurse driver 司机 farmer 农民。singer歌唱家 writer 作家 actor 男演员。actress 女演员 artist 画家 tv reporte...


珍妮特教育 2015新版六年级英语冲刺。期末测试 一name 一 根据句意写出单词,首字母已给出。10 you c打扫 your room?library 关闭 at five.is not困难 for me.snake 变得 frightened.you want to 参观 the big be...


六年级写作。曹祥春。一 过去写作概况。1 词数要求 1 没有词数要求。如2012年。只是要求语句通顺,内容全面 书写规范。2 有文字数量上的要求,但比较模糊。如2016年。不得少于5句话。3 有具体的文字数量要求。如2015年。要求词数不少于60 2 语句要求 1 语句通顺 每年如此 2 根据作文题...