
发布 2024-02-12 09:25:12 阅读 1920



一。listen and choose the words you hear.

听音,选择你所听到的单词,将序号填入括号内。) 答对8题得满分) 8%

1a. rain b. snow 2a. meat b. meal

3a. write b. wrote 4a. balloons b. balls

5a. sleeping b. eating 6a. 21 b. 12

7a. $1.25 b. $2.15 8a. bike b. car

9a. caps b. cups 10a. interested b. excited

二。 listen and number the pictures.(听音,给**标号。)8%

三。 listen to the questions and choose the right answers.

听问题,选择正确的答案,将序号填入括号内。) 答对8题得满分) 8%.

1a. it’s 2 yuanb. i want some rice.

2a. he had a birthday party. b. he is h**ing a birthday party.

3a. at half past twelveb. some sandwiches.

4a. i’m happyb. i’m sad.

5a. thank youb. i will help you.

6a. in 2009b. in 2003.

7a. she is from chinab. she is from america.

8a. i couldn’t runb. i could run.

9a. yes, it’s going to be windy. b. no, it’s going to be windy.

10a. yes, i dob. yes, i am.

四。 listen and complete the table.(听音,完成下列**。)(对7处得满分)7%

五.listen and number the answers.(听音,给答案标号。) 6%

) yang liwei is my dad.

) i love writing.

) my name is ningkang.

) i walk to school.

) the story was about my dad.

) i go to zhongguancun no.1 primary school in beijing.

六、listen to the passage and choose the right answers.

听短文,选择正确答案,将序号填入括号内。) 答对4题得满分) 8%

birds fly away for the

a. springb. winterc. summer

birdsto each other in the tree.

a. sing and dance b. sing and call c. play and call

looks at them.

a. the birds go , bob feels

saidto the birds.

thank you! c. goodbye!

birds will come back next .

a. day

七、look at the pictures , listen and fill in the suitable words.

(看图听音,填入适当单词。)(填对5处得满分) 5%

daming istrumpet,

butthe telephone

2you going to go to

this september?

yesreally excited.


一、copy the following. (用书写格式抄写以下内容。) 4%


world quiet noise desk


amy lives in beijing her brother is sam

二、read and choose. (选择正确的句子,将序号填在相应**下的括号内。) 8%

1. why is the boy scared? because there is a lion.

2. she wants to borrow books in the library.

3. the books are falling. who can help me?

4. the birds are singing in the trees.

5. this man is sad. he hasn’t got any hair. he is a clown.

6. it’s hot. they are eating ice creams.

7. yang liwei wanted to go into space. then his dream came true.


毕业将至,为了帮助大家做好复习工作,带来一份人教版小学六年级英语的毕业复习卷,希望能对大家有帮助,更多内容欢送关注!一 听录音,选出正确的单词,把答案序号填入括号里。5分 1.a.snow b.window c.yellow 2.a.rainy b.cloudy c.sunny 3.a.fish b...


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