
发布 2024-02-12 20:35:05 阅读 3256








)1、a. swimming b. camping c. cycling

)2、a. teacher b. scientist c. pilot

)3、a. fixedb. washedc. watched

)4、a. hasb. h**ingc. had

)5、a. studyb. strongc. stronger


)6 a. played football b. played basketball c. played badminton

)7 a. saw a film b. stayed at home c. washed clothes

)8、a. drank water b. took pictures c. bought gifts

)9、a. how tall b. how he**yc. how old

)10、a. last weekend b. last monday c. last month

三、 听录音,选择与你所听到句子相符的**。(10分)






16、a. we played ping-pong. b. i went there by ship

c. i went to hainan.

17、a. yes, there was. b. yes, i had. c. yes, there were.

18、a. i watched tv. b. it was great. c. i’m fine.

19、a. yes, i did. b. yes, i do. c. yes, they did.

20、 a. i’m 1.65 meters. b. i’m twelve. c. i’m 50 kilograms.


i am kevin. there’re 21 (a. four b.

five) people in my family. it was a 22 (a. sunny b.

cloudy) day. we 23 (a. walked b.

went) to the lotus lake park with my mom. we rode a 24 ( a. horse b.

bike) together. my mom took pictures for me. we were25 ( a.

happy b. healthy)



26、a. whatb. were c. where

27、a. he**ier b. meter c. faster

28、a. ateb. rode c. race

29、a. gymb. bought c. hall

30、a. september b. january c. different


31、thereno computers in our school before.

a. areb. werec. was

32are you? i’m 1.62 meters.

a. how much b. how tallc. how he**y

33、 jimhis foot andat home last tuesday.

a. hurt stay b. hurt stayed c. hurts stayed

34、 zhang peng isthan sarah.

a. he**yb. he**ierc. he**yer

35、 did youyour room last night?

a. cleanb. cleaningc. cleaned


36、where did amy go last month?

37、what did your uncle do the day before yesterday?

38、how did you go to beijing?

39、what size are your shoes?

40、why did you like winter?

a. he went shopping with me.

b. by plane.

c. because i could go ice-skating.

d. she went to turpan.

e. size 40.


mike: hi, john. how was your summer holiday?

john: it was great.

mike: really? 41

john: i went to guangzhou.

mike: 42

john: we went by train.

mike: 43

john: we visited many places and took many photos.


john: yes, i did. i bought a gift for you.

mike:thank you.


a. did you buy any gifts?

b. you’re welcome.

c. what did you do there?

d. where did you go?

e. how did you go there?


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