
发布 2024-02-12 09:25:12 阅读 6637



) 1. a. snow b. window c. yellow

) 2. a. rainy b. cloudy c. sunny

) 3. a. fish b. finish c. feet

) 4. a. is b. his c. sit

) 5. a. leg b. let c. bed


) 1、 there is. b. yes, it is. c. yes, thereare.

) 2、a. there are two. b. i h**e two. c. yes, thereare.

) 3、a. it’s a bee. b. it’s on the wall. c. yes, itis.

) 4、a. i like french fries. b. yes, i like it. c. no,thank you.

) 5、a. yes, she did. b. yes, she does. c. no, shecan’t.



1、mary has music lessons on

2、lily and i often go to on weekends.

3、my brother lived in the of the city.

4、it’s too cold, please close the .

5、look! jim is the shop.

6、please be in class.

7、the tigersrunning.


) 1. the village is not big.

) 2. there are many pandas in the mountains.

) 3. there are many bridges, clean water and freshair.

) 4. the mountains are behind our village.

) 5. the village is very beautiful.


) actor( )cleaner( )go fishing( )read books

) do the dishes

) library

)draw picture

) swimming( )plant flowers( )take pictures


) 1. a. third b. second c. swim d. fifth

) 2. a. evening b. spring c. summer d. winter

) 3. a. why b. may c. july d. march

) 4. a. doctor b. singer c. write d. artist

) 5. a. sunday b. sunny c. tuesday d. monday


) 1. septemper 10th is .

a. teacher’s day b. teachers’ day c. teachers day

) room is it? it’s .

a. my b. me c. mine

) 3. i’m going to the library my classmates.

a. to b. with c. for

) 4. can you see some apples the tree?

a. on b. in c. at

) 5. yesterday we some cds in a shop .

a. buy b. buyed c. bought

) 6. the month of the year is may.

a. fourth b. fifth c. sixth

) 7. what are you tomorrow?

a. going to do b. to do c. are

) 8. how she go to school in the morning?

a. is b. does c. do

) 9. green light means “

a. stop b. go c. wait

) 10. look! the girls on the playground.

a. are playing b. is playing c. are play


1. grandma, e-mail, her, writing, is an (.

2. you, what, holiday, did, do, on, your(?)

3. bought, i, friends, for, presents, my(.)

4. the, you, what’s, with, matter (?

5. the, lights, are, same, country, traffic, the, every,in(.)


) 1. what can you do? a. i’m watching insects.

) does your mother do? b. fine, thank you, liuyun.

) 3. what did you do last weekend? c. she is anactress.

) 4. how are you, sarah? d. i cleaned my room.

) 5. what are you doing? e. i can wash the clothes.


it was saturday. tom stayed at home alone(单独地). hisparents went to visit his grandparents in another city.

hedid his homework and read books. after lunch, he watched tvand played basketball on the playground with jack. he feltvery tired.

in the evening, his parents came back andbrought him some presents. they were a schoolbag and abasketball. tom felt very excited!

) 1. tom didn’t visit his grandparents.

) 2. tom read books in the afternoon.

) 3. tom felt tired after reading books.

) 4. tom’s parents bought a new schoolbag for him.

) 5. tom was happy in the evening.


请以“my bedroom”为题,写一写你的卧室。要求:表达清晰,语法正确,书写标准。不少于60个单词。


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