
发布 2024-02-12 20:50:05 阅读 9346



a 根据所给音标,选择相应单词。 (5分)

1 [`heivi2 [ru3 [ gry] (

4 [sd5 [ preznt] (

b 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否一致,相同的写“t”. 不同的写”f”. 5 分)

1 watched washed2 shorter boat

3 clean seal4 that tooth

5 hear here

按要求写单词。( 15分)

1 one ( 序数词2 china形容词)

3 swim (现在分词4 h**e (第三人称单数。

5 read (过去式6 black( 反义词)__

7 doesn`t(完全形式8 tooth (复数)__

9 you (宾格形式10 too ( 同音词。

找出与其他三个不同类的单词 ( 10分)

)1 a winter b autumn c summer d cool

) 2 a fever b stomachache c headache d medicine

) 3 a pupil b student c teacher d schoolbag

) 4 a red b pen c black d blue

) 5 a foot b leg c book d head


1 likes he listening music toⅻⅺ

2 did you there how go

3 do you when beijing to go

第1 页---

4 h**e i throat sore a

5 two years i`m than you younger

根据问句,选择答句 ( 5分)

) 1 what did you do yesterday .

) 2 how do you feel ?

) 3 what`s the date ?

) 4 where did you go ?

) 5 did you learn english ?

a i went to shanghai .

b yes , i did .

c it`s june 9th .

d i watched tv.

e i feel sad .

选择正确答案, 将序号填在括号里 ( 15 分)

( )1 --what did you do yesterday ?

iskiing .

a go b goed c went

) 2howare you ?

i`m 160m tall .

) 3 my nose

a hurt b hurts c is hurting

) 4is it ?

it`s tuesday.

a what day b what colour c what

) 5 look , they arethe insects carefully.

a watch b watching c watched

) 6 he is anhe draws pictures .

a actor b cleaner c artist

) 7 i playedpiano .

a / b the c a

) 8 i get up __7:00the morning .

a at , at b at , in c in , in

) 9 i like to goon sundays .

a fishing b to fish c fish


) 10 mike __his clothes everyday .

a wash b washes c washed

用所给词的适当形式填空 (5分)

1, there are fourseason) in a year .

2, are there many pupils in the park onchildren) day .

3, mary and tom watch tvsecond) times a week .

4, it`s timego) to bed .

5, these coats look likeour)

按要求写句子。 (10 分)

1, he does well in maths . 改为否定句)

hewell in maths .

2, there are 50 students in our class .(改为一般疑问句)

50 students in your class ?

3, you are good students . 改为第三人称单数)

4,they went to see a play last week . 对划线部分提问)

they go to see a play ?

5, gao shan is he**ier than d**id . 对划线部分提问)

is he**ier than d**id ?


) 1 i want to h**e a picnic .

) 2 the traffic rules are different in every country .

) 3 stay in bed for a few days .

) 4 what`s the matter with them .

) 5 amy goes to school on foot .


阳新县实验小学2018毕业模拟考试 英语试卷。注意事项 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分 考试时间为60分钟,满分100分。2.所有答案均须做在答题卡上相应区域,做在其他区域无效。温馨提示 请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色表现!听力部分 50分 一 听录音,选出你所听到的选项。10分 1 a...


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