
发布 2024-02-11 22:45:09 阅读 9025



i.听辨单词(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)a)1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. d

b)6. sea 7. four 8.

son 9. write 10. hearii.

句子理解(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)a) 11. b 12. a 13.

b 14. c 15. db) 16.

t 17. t 18. f 19.

t 20. f

iii.对话理解(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)a) 21. b 22.

c 23. a 24. d 25.

ab) 26. c 27. e 28.

a 29. b 30. d


a) 31. like 32. beautiful 33.

homework 34. tuesday 35. buyb) 36.

they went to a restaurant.

37. he ordered some chips and some cola.38.

because he ate breakfast early.39. yes, he did.

40. they all thought the food at this restaurant was great!



a)1. glass 2. kettle 3.

trolley 4. basket 5. clean the windowb) 6.

milk 7. school bag 8. eggplant 9.

brush the teeth 10. fly a kiteii.句子(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)a)11.

my parents like tr**eling very much.12. don't play near the road.

13. we are going home now.

14. what day is your birthday this year?15.

do you wash the dishes after dinner?b) 16. a 17.

c 18. d 19. a 20.

biii.情景会话(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)a) 21. b 22.

c 23. d 24. d 25.

bb) 26. c 27. d 28.

b 29. e 30. a


a) 31. sleep 32. cook 33-35 hair drier, electric blanket, television(顺序可以不一致)b) 36.

sue's grandfather. 37. yes, she did.

38. because it was in a small cage and hadn'

v.智力测试(共5小题,每小题1分, 43题每空0.5分,计5分)41.

d 42. c 43. lily and maria.

44.世界上45. birdvi.


d**id's day

today is sunday. d**id doesn't go to school. he stays at home and plays the piano in themorning.

he likes playing the piano very much. he plays it every day, and he can play it verywell. after playing the piano, he goes to a swimming pool at 9 o'clock.

swimming is one of his

f**orite sports. after swimming, he goes to the playground to play football with his has a wonderful day.

77 words)
















1. fine 2. need 3.

chinese 4. house 5. coldb)听音,根据你所听到的单词完成下列句子。

6. sea 7. four 8.

son 9. write 10. hearii.


a)听音,选出与你所听到的句子相对应的问句或答句。11. how often do you go to the library?

12. i will buy a cap for my brother.13.

sure. here you are.14.

who is in brown?15. it is under the bed.

b)听音,判断你所听到的句子与所给**是(t)否(f)相符。16. she is wearing a raincoat because it is raining outside.

17. there is a flower in the kangaroo's hand.18.

spring is coming, all plants become green.19. i went to a restaurant with my parents yesterday.

20. i would like a bowl of rice and a plate of fish, 对话理解。

a)听音,根据所听的对话和问题,选择正确答案。21. woman:

hello, jim. which season do you like best?man:

i like spring best. and you, lisa?woman:

i like summer.

question: which season does lisa like?22.

man: what class are you in, mary?woman:

i am in class 4. and you, leo?man:

we are in the same what class is leo in?23. man:

would you like a cup of tea, lily?

woman: no, thanks. i would like a glass of water, what would lily like?

24. woman: hi, mike!

what does your father do?man: he's an english what is mike's father?

25. man: what's five plus six, amy?

woman: it's you are right.

question: is amy's answer right?

b)听音,根据你听到的一组对话内容为下列**按英文字母(a,b,c,d,e)的顺序标号。it is a sunday morning...

mum: good morning, lucy!would you like to help mum do the housework?

lucy: i'd love to, mum. what should i do?

cook the dinner. lastly, you h**e to wash the will h**e a busy day, my dear.

lucy: ok, no 短文理解。


i like aunt susan very much. she is the most beautiful person in my family. she is verykind, too.

aunt susan is very helpful. she always helps me with my homework and teaches me a lotof things. next tuesday is aunt susan's birthday.

i am going to buy her a present. it is a bigteddy bear. i hope she will like it.


were some chips, a fish sandwich, some cola and some fruit salad. they all thought the foodat this restaurant was great!


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