
发布 2024-02-11 15:15:08 阅读 9670



第一部分基础知识 (共53分)


1) doesn’t(完全形式2) go(过去式。

3) do(过去式4) eye(同音词)__

5) run(现在分词6) sea(同音词)__

7) knife(复数8) always(翻译)__


1. take a shower ( class (

the dishes ( to tv (


1. a: what’s your hobby?

b: my hobby issing) anddance).

a: are you gooddancing? i like dancing too.

b: yes, i won theone) prize in dancing.

2. a: lookbob. where is he from?

b: he isspain.

a: where is spain?

b: it’seurope.

a: what language do people speak in spain?

b: they usuallyspanish.


1. where is chris from?

2. what is bob’s country famous for?

3. what do people speak in rose’s country?

4. where is china?


water has no color, no shape, no taste and no smell.

water is everywhere. it’s in the oceans, in the seas, in the rivers and in the lakes. water is in the rain, in the snow, in the clouds, in the ice and in the air.

water is useful. we use water in our everyday life. we use water to drink, to cook rice, to take showers and to wash clothes.

we also use water to do the dishes, to grow vegetables and to put out fires.

water brings us happiness. we can row boats, h**e dragon boat races, and swim in rivers, lakes, or the sea. in winter, we can skate or ski on the snow.

water is so important. nothing can live without it.

1. 翻译文中划线句子(3分)。

2. 填空 (每空1分,共12分)。

第二部分写作 (共27分)


get up, h**e breakfast, go to school, h**e lunch,

go home, h**e dinner, do homework,

watch tv, take a shower, go to bed

always, usually, often, sometimes, once in a while, never


1. what’s your f**orite sport?

2. are you good at it?

3. how often do you play sports?

4. when do you do the sport?

5. who do you play with?

6. what did you do yesterday?

第三部分口试 (共20分)


a: where are you going this winter?

b: i am going to paris.

a: what’s the weather like there?

b: it’s windy and snowy. it’s quite cold.

a: what clothes should you take with you?

b: i should take a down coat, a scarf, and boots.



六年级英语第一学期期末测试试卷分析。一 试卷的分析。一 试卷结构全卷满分为100分,七大题。其中包括英汉互译,单项选择,看 选句子,补全单词,情景对话,阅读理解,书面表达。试卷布局合理,覆盖面广,题目难度不大,但是作文相对较难。基础题占大部分,重点考查学生对基本知识的掌握与运用。二 试题特点。试卷总...


小学六年级英语期末试题及答案 陕旅版 选字母,完成单词。10分 a i b a c e a.o b.a c.r a.u b.e c.o 4 hosp tal a.o b.e 5.mus um a.a b.o c.e 6.mo ent a.k b.m c.a 7.sw ng a.i b.e c.n 8...


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