
发布 2024-02-11 11:15:20 阅读 4058



( )a i b a c e

) a. o b. a c. r

( )a. u b. e c. o

( )4 hosp_tal a. o b. e

( )5. mus_um a. a b. o c. e

( )6. mo_ent a. k b. m c. a

( )7. sw_ng a. i b. e c. n

( )8. seri_us a. a b. e c. o

( )9. ten_is a. e b. n c. o

( )a. h


1. i(名词性物主代词复数。






1. miss white___teach) us english next term.

2. tom and samsleep) under the tree now .

3. we __play) basketball with my friends tomorrow .

4. our english teacher is very __friend)

5. after supper we like __watch)tv at home.

6. he __be going to) mop the floor.

7. he __be) ill yesterday .

8. cross the river and __turn) left.

9. it’s cold and __snow).

10.__not) run !it’s dangerous .

ⅳ.单项选择 。(20分)

( )1. tom___from england.

a. come b. comes c. coming

( )likes___friends with us.

a. make b. makes

) 3. tom has a fever. he is___

a. in the hospital b. in hospital c. at hospital

( )4. we’d better go and __him.

a. see c. sees

( )5. -how __my lessons?

dont worry. .

a. about b. to c. with

( )6. what’s wrong___you? .

a. at b. to c. with

( )7. look! the children are __kites

a. play b. playing c. to play

( )8. how __you feel?

a. are b. do c. is

( )9. _are going to do tomorrow? .

a. when b. where c. what

( )10. i want __

a .sleep b. to sleep c. sleeping


1. 他的手表坏了!

his __is broken.


___i h**e your __

3. 你真是个好男孩!

you __really a good___

4. 我怎样才能到达儿童公园/

___can ithe children” park?

5. 五个孩子在树下做游戏。

there are five children playing games


1. has/fever/helen/a/.

2. are/going/see/we/her/to/.

3. visit/will/my/i/grandmother/.

4. are/what/going/to/you/this/do/weekeng/?

5. i/see/with/may/to/go/himyou/?


march 12th is tree planting day. many people go out to plant plant trees on the hills,in the park or along the they dig holes ,then put the young trees into the holes and put the earth last,they water the young know trees are people’s friends. they will take good care of them.

( )1. _is tree planting day.

a. march tenth b. march twelfth

( )2. people___on tree planting day.

a. go out to plant trees. b. go out to play games.

( )are___

a. people’s friends b. people’s sisters

( )must

a. take care of trees b. cut the trees down

( )5. people plant trees___

a. in the park or along the roads

b. on the hills ,in the park or along the roads.

试题答案 :


aabcc babbc



teach sleeping going to play 6. is going to 8. turn

ⅳ.单项选择 。(20分)

bcbaa cbbcb

. 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。(10分)

1. watch 2. may; name 3. are; boy 4. how; get to

5. under the tree


1. helen has a fever.

2. we are going to see her.

3. i will visit my grandmother.

4. what are you going to do this weekend?

i go to see him with you ?


b a a a b


一 将带点字的音节补写完整。3分 翻天覆 fu 地歼 j i n 灭眷 ju n 恋抽噎 y e 掠 lue 过一瞬间 sh uen 二 给带点的字选择一个正确读音,在括号里用 标出。4分 b zh o 譬如今朝p ch o h s n 暖和huo s n 三 按一定的顺序把下面的词语分成三类,写在...


一 将带点字的音节补写完整。翻天覆 fu 地歼 j i n 灭眷 j u n 恋抽噎 y e 掠 lue 过一瞬间 sh uen 二 用 划去句子中不正确的字 词。1 他跨上一匹 骏俊峻 马,越过了险 骏俊峻 的山崖。2 中国女排的拼 博搏 精神 博搏 得了大家的好评。3 瓦特 发明发现 水开了能顶...


2014 2015学年度第二学期期末考试。小学六年级语文试卷。时间 100分钟,总分100分 一 按要求写字词句。30分 1.把下面词语书写在田字格中,注意正确 工整。2分 富强民主文明和谐。2.根据所给的音节将词语填写完整。3分 ji o 刑 拌 子 z o 焦热 音。3.先把下列词语补充完整,再...