
发布 2024-02-11 08:55:19 阅读 6952





1.dog fish bird2. two eleven ten __

3. taller shorter stronger4. big he**y long __

5. singer worker doctor __


old __youngshortbigthin

hot __he**yfunnysmall __tall___


1what’ s, who’s ) the matter with you ?

2. ifeel, feels,feeling) sick.

3. my temperature is 39゜c. i h**e afever, toothache.)

4. i am verybored, boring). i h**e nothing to do.

5. how does amy feel? sheis, are , am ) happy.


) 1. how are you

a. feel b. feeling c. feels

) 2. i __a headache.

a. h**ing b. has c. h**e

) 3. what’s the matter with you? my leg

a. headache b. hurts c. sore

) 4. how __sarah feel?

a. do b. is c. does

) 5. how __you feel?

a. do b. is c. does

)6. chenjie is sick. shetired.

a. look b. looks c. likes

) 7. you look sad today. –yes

a. i’m going to h**e a party. b. i failed the chinese test.

c. i h**e a new t-shirt.

)8. when you’re sick, you must

a. go swimming b. h**e a rest c. play football

) 9. how is amy

a. she is happy. b. she is at home. c. he is sad.

) am going on a big trip .i am

a. angry b. tired c. excited


) he has a fever. has a cold.

) has a toothache. has a earache

) h**e a stomachache. h**e a headache.

) finger hurts. leg hurts.

) h**e a cough. fine.

) s sad . happy.

) angry. happy.

) happy. tired.

)9. happy. sick.

) excited. sad.


a:__1___young man.

b:good morning,doctor

a:how do you feel?

b 2 .a:what’s the matter?

b: 3 .

might h**e a 4 .

b:thank you

a: 5六、 情景会话:根据情景选择句子。(15分)

) 1. 汤姆是160厘米高,塞拉是157厘米高, 可以说:

a. tom is taller than sarah.

b. tom is shorter than sarah.

c. tom is 3 cm shorter than sarah.

) 2. 百灵比迈克大两岁,可以说:

a. bai ling is 2 kg he**ier than mike.

b. bai ling is two years bigger than mike.

c. bai ling is two years older than mike .

) 3. 约翰有45公斤, 迈克有50公斤, 我们不能说:

a. mike is stronger than john.

b. mike is thinner than john.

c. mike is 5 kg he**ier than john.

) 4. liuyun’s hair is 18 cm .

chen jie’s hair is 4 cm shorter than liu yun’s.

how long is chen jie’s hair?

a. 14 cmb. 15 cmc. 16 cm

) 5. amy wear size 18. zhang peng wear size 16 .

whose feet are bigger?

a. amy’s feet are bigger.

b. zhang peng’s feet are bigger.

c. their feet are same.


mary: hello, sarah! (1

sarah: i am 45 kg . 2

mary: i am 47 kg .(3

sarah: yes. you are he**ier than me. (4

mary: i am 151 cm . 5

sarah: yes, i am taller than you . i am 154 cm .

a、how about you ? b、are you shorter than me ?

c、how taller are you ? d、are you taller than me ?

e、how he**y are you ? f、how tall are you ?

g、i am he**ier than you .


ruler is shorter than his.( 写出同义句 )

mother is ill. (当听到你的好朋友这么说,你应回答)


六年级英语第一次月考试题。一 英汉互译 15分 1.醒来,唤醒2.穿上,戴上。3.去散步4.看电视。5.做运动6.每天早晨。7.where do you live 8.by the way 9.i h e to walk to school 10.in the kitchen 11.吃午饭12.没有...


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