
发布 2020-07-19 13:42:28 阅读 1356


)1. clean your room a. 读故事书。

)2. eat bananas b. 收集邮票。

)3. drink tea c. 看望奶奶。

) shopping d. 帮助你的妈妈。

) to see the flims e. 打扫你的房间。

) trees f. 吃香蕉。

)7. read stories g.去购物。

) your mum h.喝茶。

)9. collect stamps j.去看电影。

)10. visit your grandma k. 爬树。

二、 按要求写出下列单词的变化形式(10分)

1 hobby ( 复数) _2 copy(单三) _

3 clean (名词)__4 here(同音词)__

5 always(反义词)__6 i’d(完全形式)__

7 stop(过去式)__8 swim ( 现在分词)__

9 knife(复数) _10 luck(形容词)__

三、单项选择 (20分)

)1 there __lots of water in the glass .

a are b is c am

)2 he doesn’t like __picture books .

a reads b read c reading

)3 her hobby is __

a . fly kites b. kites c . flying kites .

)4 daming’s parents __some new books .

a . h**e got b . has got c. hasn’t got

)5 how __is the chang jiang river ?

a . tall b. long c. many

)6 now i can h**e another __stamps .

a american b. america c. china

)7 qingdao is __the east of china .

a . to b. on c. in

)8 we sing songschildren’s day .

a in b on c at

)9 please give the book __me

a to b for c at

)10 do you want __go to the park ?

a . to go b. go c. going


(一) )1. thank you very much. a. she’s thirteen.

)2. does tom swim fast ? b. by a bus.

)3. how old is she? c. it’s in the tree.

)4. where’s the bird? d. you’re welcome..

)5. how can i get there? e. no, he doesn’t.

(二) )1 do you often swim ? a .because he can speak french .

)2 what are those ? always h**e a special meal .

)3 why can jim be your friend ? c it’s qingdao .

)4 what’s your f**ourite city ? d they are stamps .

)5 what do you do on thanksgiving day ? e. not very often.


1. building big what a

2. you like do now reading books ?

3. china h**e book you a got about ?

4. never she swimming goes .

5. to want go to you do guilin ?

六.阅读理解,并判断对错对的打t 错的打f(10分)

christmas is a very important festival(节日) in western countries. it’s in december. there are christmas trees everywhere(到处).

people give children christmas eve, sometimes there are parties in people’s houses. they give friends christmas cards.

linging is going to attend(参加) a christmas party. it’s in amy’s home. they are going to sing and dance.

and they are going to h**e many decilious foods. it is really a wonderful festival!

)1. christmas is an antumn(秋天 )festival.

)2. you can see christmas trees on christmas.

)3. children wear scary (恐怖的)clothes and scare the people on christmas.

)4. lingling and amy are going to sing and dance in the party.

)5. people don’t give children anything on christmas.


today is wednesday. an american student will visit our school this afternoon with his parents. they got to yangzhou by train yesterday evening.

the student’s name is d**id. he is a primary school student in new york. he is in class 2, grade 6.

he likes sports and music very much. and he likes chinese very much. he can tell some short stories in chinese.

we’ll h**e a party with d**id and his parents in our school this evening. we’ll h**e a very good time, i think.

) 1. d**id is a chinese student.

) 2. d**id came to yangzhou on tuesday.

) 3. two american friends will come to our school.

) 4. d**id will be a middle school student next year.

) 5. the american friends will le**e our school this afternoon.

八. 写作(5分)


get up, go shopping ,do my homework ,read books, watch tv, play with my friends(5分)

my weekends .


嵩山路小学六年级英语上册月考测试题。listening part 听力部分 一 听录音,选出与你所听到 相符的字母,将其标号填入题前括号里。5分 1.a.b 2.a.b.3.b.5.a.b.二 听句子,判断与所听内容与图意是否一致,相符的在括号内写 t 不相符的写 f 5分 三 听对话,根据所听对话...


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