
发布 2020-07-19 13:47:28 阅读 6896


listening part(听力部分)


1.( a. b 2.( a. b.

3.( b.

5.( a. b.



) where is the museum shop?

b. where is the science museum?

) i sometimes get to hong kong by ship.

b. i sometimes get to hong kong by plane.

) down and stop at a yellow light.

b. stop and wait at a red light.

) take the no.57 bus over there.

b. take the no.15 bus over there.

) must stop at a red light.

b. you must drive slowly.



) is sarah from? she is from___

a. the usa b. canada c. england

) do sarah’s parents do ?

a. they’re teachers. b. they’re students. c. they’re drivers.

) does sarah’s parents go to work?.

a. by bikeb. by carc. by bus


side(边) do people drive on the road in england? on the __side of the road.

5. sarah and his brother often go to school

writing part(笔试部分)


1. gat a green light.

2. my home is n___to the school, so i often walk to school.

3左转), the cinema is in front of you.

jie often goes to the usa乘飞机)

want to send a postcard in the p

六、从a、b、c 三个选项中选择一个最佳的答案完成句子,将其标号填入题前括号里(10分)

1is the hospital? —it’s near the park.

a. when b. where c. what

2. (how do weby subway.

a. get to there b. get there c. get to

3. (when the light is red, you must __and wait.

a. stopb. slow down c. go


a. no walking b. no left turn c. turn left

5. (my sister goes to school by __

a. a bus

6. (you can go thereit’s far from here.

a. on foot b. by bus c. take a bus

7. (turn right here

a. yes, turn left. b. no, turn right c. no, turn left

8touch the door. it’s dangerous. (危险的)

a. don’t b. not c. no

9. (they want to eatpizza initalian restaurant.

a. some; an b. a; a c. some; a

10i go to school on footi go by bike.

a. sometimes; always b. always; usually c. usually; sometimes

七。 根据下面的对话情景,从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话,将其标号填在横线上。(10分)

amy: (1is there a post office near here?.


amy: (3

zhangpeng: you can go there on foot. it’s near.

amy: (4

zhangpeng: sure. you can go by the no.3 bus.

amy: (5

zhangpeng: it’s next to the cinema.



kids go to school in different ways in different places (地方). in moscow, russia, some children go to school __every day. they must get on one by one.

they don’t run on the bus. some children in ottawa, canada, usually go to school __they must pay attention to the traffic lights. they don’t __at a red light.

some children in berlin, germany, go to school by bike every day. they must __a helmet. in alaska, usa, it snows a lot.

some kids go to school __it’s fast.


the traffic lights are the same in every country. there are always three lights: red, yellow and green.

red means “stop and wait”. yellow means slow down and stop”, and green means “go”. in china, drivers drive on the right side of the road.

in the usa, drivers drive on the right side, too. in england and australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. if you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.

) are always three lights in every country: red, yellow and green.

) yellow light means “go”.

) china, drivers drive on the right side of the road.

) the usa, drivers drive on the left side.

) you go on foot, you don’t h**e to know the traffic rules. .


chen jie always takes the bus to school. she likes talking with her friends on the bus. it’s about three miles to the school and it takes her about 10 minutes.

zhang peng usually walks to school. but sometimes he rides his bike, and it is about 15 minutes. he can also go by bus, but he doesn’t like it.

because he thinks it’s boring(无聊的).


一 英汉互译,序号写在题前括号。20分 1.clean your room a.读故事书。2.eat bananas b.收集邮票。3.drink tea c.看望奶奶。shopping d.帮助你的妈妈。to see the flims e.打扫你的房间。trees f.吃香蕉。7.read st...


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