
发布 2024-02-11 08:55:19 阅读 2190




( )1. a. foodb. footc. fruit

)2. a. younger b. shorter c. longer

)3. a. happyb. angry c. excited

)4. a. windyb. cloudy c. rainy

)5. a. h**e a fever b. h**e a headache c. h**e a cold

)6. a. watch tv b. wash clothes c. visit grandparents

)7. a. went swimming b. went hiking c. went skiing

)8. a. take pictures b. draw pictures c. buy presents

)9. a. february 1st b. january 1st c. october 1st

)10. a. she’s 35 kg. b. he’s 35 kg. c. he’s 45 kg.

二。听音, 判断**或句子是否相符, 打“√”或打“×”10分)

) 6. john did his homework on saturday.

) 7. tom was very happy yesterday.

) 8. i went to beijing on my holiday.

) 9. i’m taller and stronger than sue.

) 10. i feel sick. i h**e a headache.


)1、a. i’m 30kg. b. i’m eleven. c. i’m 140cm.

)2、a. she has a fever. b. i h**e a cold. feel sick..

)3、a. every weekend b. last weekend. c. tomorrow

)4、a. she is young and pretty. b. she likes sports. c. she is a teacher.

)5、a. she washed clothes. b. she’s washing clothes.

c. she’s going to wash clothes .


1. we and danced on my holiday.

2. what’s the matter? i h**e a

3. my sister is muchthan my brother.

4. i played chess with my father weekend.

5. i like pictures and playing games.


)1. in the morning, amy went to the museum by bike.

)2. she had lunch with her aunt.

)3. she went to school to play the piano

)4. she went back home at 5:00 pm.

)5. she went shopping with her mom by bus.



a: hi, john. you look so tired

b: i climbed huangqi mountain yesterday.

ab: no, i went there with my uncle.

ab: we went there by car

ab: yes, i am going there next week.

ab: of course! let’s go together next week.


usually i go to school on foot. this morning i went to school by bus, because i got up late. mike was absent this morning.

he went swimming yesterday and had a cold. the doctor asked him to stay in bed and take some medicine. so after class, john and i went to his home and visited him.

he is much better. i hope he can go to school tomorrow.


)1. i usually go to schoola. by bus b. on foot

)2. why did you go to school by bus ? because i __

a. got up late b . had a cold

)3. what did mike do yesterday? he

a. went shopping b. went swimming

)4. what’s the chinese meaning of “absent” ?

a. 迟到的 b.缺席的

)5. what’s the chinese meaning of “ hope” ?

a. 希望 b. 想\认为。

my uncle, aunt and cousin live in canada. last summer holiday, they come to dongguan to visit us. first, they flew from canada to guangzhou, then they took the bus to dongguan.

we were all happy. they visited the songshan lake, the center square and climbed huangqi mountain. they also went swimming, took pictures, ate good food and bought presents.

they felt very excited because they didn’t come back to dongguan for ten years. on the 5th day, they left dongguan and went back to canada.


)1. my uncle and his family live in guangzhou.

)2. we saw my uncle’s family last summer. .

)3. they came to guangzhou by plane and come to dongguan by bus.

)4. they felt very excited because dongguan is very beautiful..

)5. they stayed in dongguan for a week.


are, playing, listens, art, painting, listening, played, near, artist, painted, were, on)

there are two new classmates in my class. they jim and candy. we like them very much.

jim is from canada, he is very strong . he likesto music andfootball . candy comes from england.

she’s pretty. she livesthe school, she always goes to school foot. she likesshe wants to be anin the future.

last sunday , wein our art room in the morning . in the afternoon , wechess together . we __very happy .


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